90s decade

  • 90's bands

    90's bands
    Green Day
    They first rose to popularity in the early 90’s with their album called “dookie”. Metallica
    Despite being most popular in the 90’s they were actually formed in L.A in 1981. Nirvana
    Nirvana was a mix of pop and rock, but leaned more toward rock if that makes any sense
  • TV Show of the Decade

    TV Show of the Decade
    The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fact 1: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was a comedy show featuring Will Smith
    Fact 2: The show lasted for 6 years, ranging from 1990-1996

    Fact 3: The episodes were short, around 20-25 minutes.
  • Ford F series (9th gen)

    Ford F series (9th gen)
    1.They sold 800,000 by 1996
    2.This was the first model ford to get more sales in the same period than any other car.
    3. It was all of fords revolutionary features combined into one vehicle
  • LA Riots of 1992

    LA Riots of 1992
    1. When the riots had ended, 63 people had been killed, 2,383 people injured. And over 12000 arrested
    2. The damage they caused was over $1 billion (back then)
    3. It all started when minority groups felt the oppressive police forced was to much, as they seemed to only arrest african american teenagers for the most part.
  • Bill Clinton In Office

    Bill Clinton In Office
    1. He was 46 when he was first elected.
    2. He was a democratic president.
    3. He managed to stop the war between us and the soviet union. He was 46 when he was first elected. He was a democratic president. He managed to stop the war between us and the soviet union.
  • Fashion

    Oval Sunglasses
    They were worn by mostly women and were common fashion items for models at the time. Plaid Shirts
    Was commonly worn by teenagers, boys, and girls alike. Worn a lot by rock bands later in the decade Cargo pants
    Cargo pants were also mostly worn by teenagers and young adults. Skaters, which were popular at the time, liked cargo pants because they were baggy and had lots of pockets.
  • Sports Figure of the Decade

    Sports Figure of the Decade
    Micheal Jordan Fact 1:He was 6,4 and a half apparently. Kind of short for an NBA player but a giant compared to normal civillians

    Fact 2: He is currently 61 years old. (older than I thought)

    Fact 3: A lot of people just call him MJ. (I’ve never heard anybody say that but ok)
  • Actor of the Decade

    Actor of the Decade
    Tom Cruise
    Fact 1: He rose to fame in the late 80’s starring in the film Top Gun and the comedy Risky Business.

    Fact 2: He was born on July 3 1962.

    Fact 3: Despite appearing tall in movies he’s only 5,7 (taller than me)
  • Technology

    Pagers Despite being invented in the 20’s Pagers were most used in the 90’s by just about everyone.
    Gameboys, The Gameboy was a rechargeable portable game console that was played mostly by kids.
    DVD’s were invented in 1995. it means Digital Video Disc
  • Movie of the Decade

    Movie of the Decade
    Titanic Fact 1 : The movie cost about $200 million dollars to produce

    Fact 2: The movie was really long, being 3 hours and 15 minutes

    Fact 3: The movie was actually filmed in Mexico
  • 90's toys

    90's toys
    Tomgogatchi’s were little handheld toys that you could take care of a virtual pet with. Koosh balls
    Koosh balls were rubber strands attached to a steel core. They mainly used Koosh balls to make yo-yo’s and other toys, but they were also toys on their own. Bop it toys Bop it toys were little handheld devices with a speaker in it that would tell you to perform a certain action. Most common were, pull it!, Twist it!, and Bop it!. Later versions had more than 3 though