Asbjørn's History of the United States of America

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Arrives in the New World

    Columbus Arrives in the New World
    Columbus was a italian explorer and navigator.
    He "discovered" north ameica in 1492, and claimed most of it it the name of spain.
    He originally thought that he had arrived in the indies.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Spanish Empire

    Spanish Empire
    The Spanish Empire was one of the first european empires in the new world. Established around 1502.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    New France

    New France
    New france was one of the friedliest european colonies in the new world. Established around 1534 by Jacques Cartier.
  • Jamestown (New England)

    Jamestown (New England)
    A english colony established by 104 English settlers in Virginia.
  • Starving time in Jamestown

    Starving time in Jamestown
    The Native Americans refused to trade for food with the british, and the british couldn\t find any themselves. Many english settlers died that winter.
  • New Netherland

    New Netherland
    New Netherland, a dutch colony establishe around 1614 by Peter Stuyversant
  • New Amsterdam

    New Amsterdam
    New Amsterdam is established by Peter Stuyversant. It was a thriving free region for twenty years, before being conquered by england.
  • Connecticut Colony

    Connecticut Colony
    The connecticut colony was established around 1636 by a british settler names Thomas Hooker (Teehee). It is a strictly puritan settlement, but with lots of rights (if you are puritan).
  • New Amsterdam is Conquered

    New Amsterdam is Conquered
    England won because of their extreme firepower. New Amsterdam surrendered to them because of fear.
  • Proclaimation of 1763

    Proclaimation of 1763
    The Brithish Government couldn't afford to keep battleing the natives, so king George decided to create a law stating that none of the colonists were allowed to go westward into native territory.
    The colonists (patriots) were far from satisfied with the new law, and protested actively until the law was taken back.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The British government lacked money again, so thet forced the colonists to buy stamps for every peice of paper they bought/used. Colonist were furious and began protesting brutally.
    They developed a slogan: "No taxation without representation!".
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    Colonists were forced to house feed and pay for British troops.
    They had to pay for their bread, vinegar, beer, and ofcourse they had to get them a bed and shelter.
    The Bitish King's excuse was that the troops were protecting them, and that the colonists should pay for the people who kept them in line.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    Colonists were forced to pay higher taxes on imported everyday goods. The british needed the money to pay the debt after war.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The colonist were forced to buy tea from "British East-India Tea Company", and nowhere else. The tea was cheaper than any other tea on tha market at the time, but the colonist wanted freedom, and a colonist activist group called "The sons of Liberty" disguised themselves as Indians and dumped 90 thousand TONS of British East-India tea into Boston Harbour.
  • The Intetolerable Acts

    The Intetolerable Acts
    A series of four INTOLERABLE acts that really made the colonists furious. The heads of all the colonies got together in a congress.
  • Battle for New York

    Battle for New York
    The British attacked New York.
    General Washington read the Declaration of Independance to his troops, giving them additional motivation.
    The colonists were not as trained, and lost 1,407 men in two days, where britain lost only 377. The British halted their attack, waiting for Washington to surrender, he was forced to retreat. The Americans lost.
  • Trenton

    General washington caught the Hessians (fighting for Britain) by surprise by attacking them on christmas. The Colonists won the battle due to the element of surprise.
  • Saratoga

    The British attacked militia at the springs of Saratoga, but were forced to surrender due to the larger numbers of the militia.
  • Yorktown

    The Americans and the French had set up a trap for the British troops, when the brtish arrived at Yorktown, they had 7,000 enimy troops waiting for them. The British lost.