90's Technology Timeline

  • MP3 Player

    Karlheinz Brandenburg The MP3 Player's invention was revolutionary. It allowed people to listen to music with a reasonable sized device with decent sized storage for music. This invention launched many other industries like headphone and earbud companies or even as simple as case companies for these devices.
  • Text Messaging

    Friedhelm Hillebrand (inventor) Text messaging has become primarily the choice form of communication. It's an easy way to quickly let someone know something without having to set out of a meeting, for instance, and call them.
  • DVD

    Sony, Phillips, Toshiba, and Panasonic (took credit for invention) DVD's are much like CD's but are able to hold so much more data within them. We were able to stop VHS tape production and convert to a slimmer, more efficient version.
  • Google

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin (inventors) Google is arguably the most revolutionaly technology invention of our time. No more opening up a text book to answer a question, or not knowing how far Fiji is from you, or not knowing where you can find another pair of your favorite shoes in another color.
  • Netflix

    Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings (inventors) Neflix was the first streaming service that didn't even start out as a streaming service! Little did they know that their invention would give people the opportunity to completely cut off the cable service and exclusively stream.