90's Tech Inventions

By Phoole
  • Period: to


  • The First SMS (Text) Message is Sent

    In December of 1992, Neil Papworth sent the first SMS message to a co worker at Vodafone. It was sent from a computer but in a few years, mobile phones would gain access to the feature.
  • The .mp3 File Arrives

    In 1992, German engineer Karlheinz Brandenburg, produced an .mp3 file that he stated sounded exactly like a CD. He is thought of as the Father of the .mp3 and was part of a team at the Fraunhofer Institute, that created the codec.
  • The DVD Was Born

    Sony and Phillips jointly created the MultiMedia Compact Disc in 1993, which would become the Digital Versatile Disc or DVD. This allowed for storage of larger amounts of data on the same area as a compact disc.
  • Google!

    Google's roots start as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, while they were attending Stanford. It has since become so popular, it is synonymous with web searching.
  • Handheld Gaming in Color via the Gameboy Color.

    In 1998, Nintendo released the Gameboy Color, which was the first color, handheld video game system.