90 Miles To Havana

By kh91293
  • 42nd Presidental Election

    42nd Presidental Election
    Dwight D. Eisenhower had a land slide win against Adlai Stevenson
  • Cuban Revolution Starts

    Cuban Revolution Starts
    Fulgenico Batista who had served as the cuban president for 4 years and stopped the next election so that he could stay in power. He became a dictator and ruined cuba.
  • Period: to

    90 Miles To Havana

  • NASA Starts

    NASA Starts
    The NASA program Begins
  • Cuban Revolution Ends

    Cuban Revolution Ends
    The Fidel Castro and the Movement Fighters win the last battle and end the revolution.
  • Hawaii and Alaska become states

    Hawaii and Alaska become states
    Hawaii and alaska become the 49th and 50th states of the united states of america
  • Julian leaves cuba

    Julian leaves cuba
    During operation pedro pan julian is flown out of cuba to miami florida.
  • Arival at camp Kendal

    Arival at camp Kendal
    Julian and his brothers arive at camp kendal where they are suppose to wait for their family.
  • Meeting Caballo

    Meeting Caballo
    They meet up with caballo who runs the camp and is also a big bully. Gordo and caballo get in a fight.
  • Finding Angelita and pepe

    Finding Angelita and pepe
    Julian and his brothers find their old neighbors and best friends from havana. Pepe and angelitia are found when digging a hole under the fence found around the camp.
  • Cooking with Dolores

    Cooking with Dolores
    Julian and his brothers chore is to help dolores in the kitchen to feed the kids. Julian makes good friends with dolores.
  • Alquilino and gordo leave

    Alquilino and gordo leave
    Alquilino and gordo leave to the orphanage in denver and leave julian behind.
  • Tomas

    Angelita and pepe sneak out with julian to go pick tomatoes and meet tomas.
  • Pranking caballo

    Pranking caballo
    Julian, Angelita, Marta, Ramon, Jose, and Gustavo start pranking caballo every day hoping that caballo will give up rule.
  • Julian runs away

    Julian runs away
    Julian runs away from the camp and lives with tomas on a broken boat that he is fixing.
  • Julian is reunited with family

    Julian is reunited with family
    Julian is picked up and driven to connecticut where his uncle and aunt lives and is reunited with his mother and brothers. They use the golden swallow with ruby wings that tomas gave back to pay for his father to leave havana.