9/21 assignment

By lillyn
  • William Golding was born on September 19, 1911

    He was born in Cornwall, England. He was raised in a 13th-century house next to a cemetery.
  • William's education

    William received his education thru a school his father ran called Marlborough Grammar School. He tried to write a novel at age 12 unsuccessfully. He got frustrated in school which caused him to bully others.
  • Williams First Book

    William studied at Brasenose College at Oxford University. During this time his father was hoping he'd choose science but he went the English route. In 1934 William published his first book after graduating college, it was a poem book called "Poems.'
  • Teaching Job

    William golding decided to follow his father's path and become a teacher. He got a job at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury in 1935.
  • Navy

    Golding spent a total of 6 years on a boat. During ww2 he fought battleships at the sinking of bismark. He was even placed in command of a rocket launching craft
  • Lord of the Flies

    In 1954 after 21 rejections Golding published his first and best selling novel, The Lord of the Flies. About a story of boys who are stuck on a island. Goes on to get the nobel prize for litterature