AA flight 11-7:59 am
7:59 am – American Airlines Flight 11(Boeing 767) had 92 people aboard. Its route was from Boston’s Logan Airport to Los Angeles. -
AA flight 77 takes off-8:20 am
8:20 am – American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Dulles International Airport. The 757 is going to Las Angeles with 64 people aboard. -
UA flight 93 takes off-8:41 am
8:41 am – United Airlines flight 93,(a Boeing 757) with 44 people on the plane. The 757 leaves Newark International Airport and begins to go to San Fransisco. -
AA flight 11 crash
8:46 am –American Airlines flight 11 crashed into floors 93-99. This killed hundreds of people in the building and everyone on the plane. -
NYPD forces-Dispatched-8:47 am
8:47 am – Within seconds, NYPD forces dispatched units to the World Trade Center. The Port Authority PD officers immediately started evacuating the North tower. -
Hijackers crashed UA Flight 175 -9:03 am
9:03 am – Hijackers crashed UA Flight 175 into floors 75-85 at the WTC’s South Tower. This killed hundreds of people in the building and everyone on the plane. -
Closing bridges and tunnels-9:21 am
9:21 am – The Port Authority closes all bridges and tunnels in the New York City area. -
"apparent terrorist attack"
President Bush says the events in New York are an “apparent terrorist attack on our country.” At 9:59 am – The South Tower collapses.