
9.1 French Revolution Timeline

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    The Third Estate delegates decided to call themselves "National Assembly". They would pass laws and reforms in service of the french people. Each estate had one vote. Also, each estate had to vote in a separate hall. This was so important because it determined that the Third Estate delegates would basically control a part of this major system. My information is from section 1.3 of Chapter 23 (e-book).
  • The Vote to Establish the National Assembly

    The Vote to Establish the National Assembly
    They wanted to end the absolute monarchy. The goal of this was to establish a representative government. A new pledge, called the "Tennis Court Oath" was created. As a result, Louis put an army around Versailles. This was so important because it was mentioned as the first act of the revolution, it had a real change. My information is from section 1.3 of Chapter 23 of the ebook.
  • Bastille Day

    Bastille Day
    A mob stormed Bastille, a prison. They searched for gunpower and such. This was the result of suspecting that Louis was planning to use the military to take down the National Assembly. This was important because to the french people, it was a symbolic act of revolution. My information is from section 1.3 of Chapter 23 of the ebook.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    Rumors were spreading that outlaws were being hired to terrorize peasants. These peasants became armed and they broke into the houses of nobles. They destroyed the papers which had them pay "feudal dues", and they also burned down some houses. Women broke into the palace, killing guards and demanding that Louis and Marie go back to Paris. Happened in Oct. This is important because it showed that there was a real fear amongst the people. This is from section 1.4 of Chapter 23 (ebook).
  • Assembly Reforming France

    Assembly Reforming France
    These people gave speeches. They spoke about their love for liberty and equality. The feudal privileges were being taken away from the First and Second Estates. This was important because the old rule was changed. My information is from section 2.1 of Chapter 23 from the ebook.
  • Louis Tries to Escape

    Louis Tries to Escape
    The royal family attempted to flee. They planned to go to the Austrian Netherlands. They were unsuccessful, and Louis sealed his fate. This was in the month of June, not specifically the first. This is significant because it showed that Louis was a coward who tried to abandon his own country. This information is from section 2.1 of Chapter 23 of the ebook.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    The Assembly decided to create a new constitution. In this constitution, there was a limited constitutional monarchy. It also created the "Legislative Assembly". Their new job was to create laws & approve or reject declarations of war. This took place in the month of Sept. This was important because it created a new system and branch in France. My information is from section 2.2 of Chapter 23 of the ebook.
  • Declare War

    Declare War
    Other countries feared that this revolt would happen to them too. As a result, they urged France to give Louis his position as an absolute monarch again. France, therefore, called a war. This war got so out of hand, that the constitution of 1791 was ignored. It called for an election for a new legislature. This war was important because it made the legislature change, and it showed how unstable France was during this time. My information is from section 2.3 of chapter 23 of the ebook. link no sp
  • Louis Death Sentence by Guillotine

    Louis Death Sentence by Guillotine
    The National Convention classified Louis to the status of a commoner/prisoner. He was tried for treason and he plead guilty. He received a death sentence, and he died on January 21, 1793, by the guillotine. This was significant because it marked the end of his time. My information is from section 2.3 of Chapter 23 from the ebook.
  • Robespierre Executed

    Robespierre Executed
    This is when the Reign of Terror (radical phase of the revolution) ended. Robespierre was arrested and sentenced to death by the National convention. After his death, in 1795 a new ruling system arrived. These people were mostly from the middle class. They directed the country after such a harsh time. This was important because it led France in a new direction. My information is from section 2.5 of Chapter 23 (ebook).