Jacques bertaux   prise du palais des tuileries   1793

9.1 French Revolution Timeline

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    The Estates General were created by King Louis XVI with a way to fix the monarchy’s financial crisis.There were three classes represented by the Estates General... the nobles, clergy and the rest of the population or the so-called Third Estate. The nobility and clergy could always overrule the Third Estate.
    I feel that this was important because it is always good to come up with ways to make things better.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    an angry crowd marched on the Bastille, a medieval fortress in east Paris that was mostly housing political prisoners.The people in france believed it was a symbol of the much hated Louis. Marquis de Launay and his military troops decided not to deal with it for a couple hours before they surrendered to the mob.
    I think that this is important because it shows who was disliked and how things were getting worse.
  • Flight to Varennes

    Flight to Varennes
    the royal family quietly left Paris and managed to get within a few miles of the border before being recognized in the town of Varennes and forced to go back. The incident was very horible for the National Assembly.The King’s attempted to flee and his denouncement of the Revolution came just as the new constitution was about to be implemented.
    I think that this is important because this shows that people were trying to get to a better place so that they can live a better life.
  • Dissolution of the National Assembly

    Dissolution of the National Assembly
    The long awaited constitution finally came into effect. France was proclaimed a constitutional monarchy, while the National Assembly got replaced by a new political body named the Legislative Assembly. None of the National Assembly got elected to the new legislative body as it was agreed earlier that the members of the National Assembly would not be allowed to hold a seat in the new parliament. i think that this is important because it shows how people were getting into arguements
  • War

    France declared war on Austria.The issue of war defeated the debate in the new Legislative Assembly. Tensions with the rest of Europe continued to rise.
    I believe that this is important because it shows that France decided to start fighting for peoples rights and it was bringing more people in.
  • Attack on the Tuileries Palace

    Attack on the Tuileries Palace
    In spring and summer of 1792, the French government found itself in a very difficult situation. On August 10, a crowd of about 20,000 people attacked the Tuileries Palace. Over the next month, hundreds of royalists were executed in what became known as the “September Massacre”. Many French men and women fled for their lives.
    I think that this is important because it shows how agressive people were becomeing.
  • Declaration of the Republic and the Trial of Louis

    Declaration of the Republic and the Trial of Louis
    The first act of the latter was to declare France as a republic. The French military stopped the invasion and pushed back the Austrians and Prussians.
    I think that this is important because it shows how the French decided to start and try to fix things to make things better.
  • Declaration of the Republic and the Trial of Louis

    Declaration of the Republic and the Trial of Louis
    Louis was driven through the streets of Paris to a guillotine and decapitated. Marie Antoinette had a short trial next.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    an estimated 16,000 people were guillotined.
  • Declaration of the Republic and the Trial of Louis

    Declaration of the Republic and the Trial of Louis
    Marie Antoinette was found guilty and guillotined.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    About 16,000 people were killed from September 1793 to July 1794. Robespierre was arrested and was killed the following day. The execution of the popular Committee members George-Jacques Danton and Robespierre were proclaiming themselves as leaders of a new religion of the Supreme Being caused much caous.
    I think that this is important because it shows how caoutic things were getting.
  • Directory and the Rise of Napoleon

    Directory and the Rise of Napoleon
    After the dramatic fall of Robespierre, the National Convention created a new constitution for France that was implemented. The leader of the new government was the Directory which consisted of an executive council of five members. Pretty much from the beginning, the Directory was stuck in the middle in corruption, political conflict, financial problems and depended on the army to stay in power.
    I think that this is important because It shows how they have fixed everything for the most part.
  • Directory and the Rise of Napoleon

    Directory and the Rise of Napoleon
    a successful military commander named Napoleon Bonaparte returned from a military expedition in Egypt and outside the Directory.Napoleon figured out what he called the Consulate and himself as the First Consul.
    I think that this is important because it shows how Napoleon went and fought for everybody's rights.