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9.1 French Revolution

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    Convening of the Estates General

    Law making and advisory group to the french king this was called parliament. It was an assembly that represented the French estates of the realm. The estates were known as people they were put into three estates.
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    National Constituent Assembly

    The new government of France cancelled the peasants debuts and ended the tithe and special privileges of the first and second Estates. This assembly was important to the revolution, it ended many disputes. This event lasted for 3 years.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    Members of the French Third Estate took an oath called the Tennis Court Oath. The members vowed to "not separate and to reassemble wherever require until the Constitution of the Kingdom is established". It was a pivotal event in the French Revolution.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Rumor had it that the King was planning a military coup against the national assembly. The Parisians reacted by attacking the Bastille. This was a big deal in the revolution.
  • Peasant Revolt

    There were rumors about the aristocracy sending troops to attack the peasants. The peasants revolted and burned Nobel's homes , killed tax collectors and destroyed tax records. The peasants were brutal.
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    March of the Women

    The Women's March on Versailles was also known as the October March it was one of the earliest and most significant events of the French Revolution. It was a spontaneous demonstration of Parisian women for bread. They blamed the King for their poverty.
  • The Royal Family Attempts to Flee France

    The Royal Family attempts to flee to Austria. The family was helped out with by the Swedish court. The King was no longer trusted after this act.
  • The National Convection

    They abolished the monarchy and made France a republic. The government started to write a new constitution. With writing a constitution it is kinda a big deal to the revolution.
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    The Brunswick Manifesto

    If the Royal Family was harmed a war was going to breakout. The war ended up happening with Austria, Prussia, Britain, and Spain. It got radical, angry conservatives, moderates, and radicals, the power of the king got suspended.
  • The Death of Robespierre

    This event gave speeches of new plots and conspiracies. Alienated members of COPS in which many felt threatened. The Convection arrested him and he was guillotined.