8th grade social studies timeline

  • Year 1000 vikings

    Year 1000 vikings
    the vikings discovered the Americas but they did not settle due to conflict they were also trying to make a viking fort but failed and then left.
  • Year 1492 Christopher Columbus

    Year 1492 Christopher Columbus
    Wanted to reach Asia by using a quicker route by going west and not go near Italy but did not know the Americas were between them
  • 15th Century Exploring

    15th Century Exploring
    Marco polo returns from Asia and tells the people how different they are and how nice there rituals are there food and spices and tea.
  • Year 1584-1590 the lost colony

    Year 1584-1590 the lost colony
    ships came from England to the Americas to search for a better life and not have to pay taxes to the church. But food is scarce so John White traveled back to England for food. But war broke out with Spain and it took 3 years. When he returned no one was there but a word on a tree saying croatoan.
  • Year 1607-13 Colonies continue

    Year 1607-13 Colonies continue
    the 13 colonies were discovered by sailors and decided to live and went back to England to get more people. That is when they made the first colony in Jamestown Virginia.
  • Year 1636-13 Colonies continue

    Year 1636-13 Colonies continue
    It has been a few decays since they have established there colony in North America
  • The sugar act

    The sugar act
    April,5th,1764 the British were charging the colonist six pence per pound of sugar. To make people want to buy more because it was cheaper and it increased enforcement on smuggling law. 1766 and replaced with the Revenue Act of 1766, which lowered the tax to one penny per gallon of sugar and molasses
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    March,2, 1765 was a new tax that stated that all Americans had to pay taxes on every piece of paper they used. Newspaper,Legal documents,and licences.
  • No taxation without representation

    No taxation without representation
    A slogan they started in the 1750's to the 1760's. The British had no one to tax but the 13 colonies because they lost the war.
  • Sons of liberty

    Sons of liberty
    An organization formed by the colonists of America. It was created to protect the colonists and to fight taxation to the British. Samuel Adams was the leader of the sons of liberty and he protested against the stamp act in 1765. They were created to stand up to the British and to the stamp act.
  • The boston massacare

    The boston massacare
    The day was March 5,1770 was a street fight started by the colonists by throwing bricks,and sticks at the British soldiers. The British started shooting the colonists with muskets a highly powered gun that if shot from a close distance would kill you in a matter of seconds. King was the first to call this event the Boston massacre.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    December 16,1773 The colonists of America were tired of paying taxes to the British for tea. So they went to the harbor without being seen and they snicked on three ships in the Boston harbor. They opened up all the crates with tea ripped open the bags and tossed over the sides of the boat. They dumped in hundreds of dollars worth of tea into the harbor until the turned brown and it filled the harbor. This act was led by the Sons of liberty
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    The int-arable acts were another name for this.1774 year they were made, they were made to represents a series of laws relating to Britain's colonies.
  • Boston port act

    Boston port act
    The Boston Port Act was made to punish the colonists of Boston in 1774. They did because the king thinks the colonists dumped the tea into the harbor and sent troops to watch them.
  • edenton tea party

    edenton tea party
    1773 the edenton act was what the women of the colonies did to interfear with the taxes. Was one of the first protests led by women not men and didnt cause harm
  • Quarting act

    Quarting act
    1765 The british passes a law saying his British soliders were able to go into the colonists home looking for a free bed to sleep in. This law made the colonists even more angry with the British and wanted war.
  • First continetal Congress

    First continetal Congress
    A meeting that invloved the delegates of the 13 colonies. In 1774 and they were there to discuss the British and there intolerable acts .
  • April 19 1775 Battle of concord and Lexington

    April 19 1775 Battle of concord and Lexington
    The first battle fought in the American revolution. The Americans won the battle.
  • April, 18 1775 The shot heard around the world

    April, 18 1775 The shot heard around the world
    The British came to the 13 colonies to control them and to take away there guns. The colonists tried to distract them someone shot and war began to this day no one knows who shot first.
  • Battle of saratoga

    Battle of saratoga
    This battle was important because it shows that the Americans and the French can win the Revolution against the British. It changes the Frenches perspective on the Americans in he war This turned the tide against the British.
  • Battle of saratoga

    Battle of saratoga
    This battle was important because it shows that the Americans and the French can win the Revolution against the British. It changes the Frenches perspective on the Americans in he war This turned the tide against the British.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Was the last battle in the American revolution against the British
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation
    The Articles states how we will run our government. They did not work and is why today we do not have them