The Printing Press is established
The invention of the printing press was an amazing advancement during this time. This is because before all the monks would have to write each page by hand which made it extremely hard for people to read or have access to it. The printing press lowered the price of books and the amount of people that could read increased. -
The Creation of the Caravel
The Caravel was a smaller sleeker and better ship for the European explorers specifically Portuguese to use when sailing abroad to find the source of spices or any goods. It was very helpful for long-distance trade because of its fast sleek design allowing it to sail and have plenty of capacity for the goods. This was used frequently in European exploration and was very helpful. -
Feb 4, 1488
Bartolomeu Dias sailed around the southern tip of Africa
This was a huge breaking point during the Age of Global Exploration because he was the first person to reach the end of Africa and also caused global colonization to begin. Since Bartolomeu showed that there was a way to reach the tip everyone soon wanted to do the same. This voyage led to the discovery of India from Vasco da Gama. -
The Columbian Exchange began
The Columbian Exchange was an exchange of supplies, goods, and people from the New World back to the Old World. This led to more exploration for more supplies and goods to bring back to their country. -
Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas signed
This treaty used the line of demarcation, by dividing the Portuguese on the east side of the world and Spain on the west. The pope did this so Catholics didn't fight with Catholics. Although the pope wanted this to work it ultimately led to Magellan betraying Portugal and being the first to circumnavigate the world. Although Portugal got more land, it benefited Spain more than Portugal and settled the conflicts discovering lands. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut India
Vasco da Gama was the guy who made it all worth it by reaching India, this was a huge step forward and helped Portugal. The spice islands were a big deal and when Vaco da Gama brought cargo back he made a huge profit. -
Period: 1503 to
Use of the Encomienda System
This system was a right for conquistadors to be able to begin using forced labor to make more profit for Spain. They did this by having laborers work in mines and supply metals to the crown. It led to permanent loss because the indigenous people were greatly impacted by the lack of freedom whereas the crown gained more. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther published the Ninety-five thesis
Luther put his Ninety-five thesis in Wittenberg, Germany on the doors of the church on the perfect day for everyone to see it. This thesis talks about 95 complaints about the ethics of selling indulgences and how actions don't put you in heaven faith and faith alone. This also led to the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. -
The Diet of Worms
The Diet of Worms was the first religious debate where authorities would decide what to do to Luther for his teachings and strong opinions. The outcome of this debate embarrassed Charles V and made the church look foolish. This helped Luther's ideas and brought more attention to them from the public. -
Sep 6, 1522
Ferdinand Magellan finished his voyage where he Circumnavigated the globe
Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe! In order to do this Magellan sailed under South America to reach the Pacific. What Ferdinand did was a big deal and another step toward more exploration and expansion for Spain. -
Nov 16, 1532
Francisco Pizarro Conquered Incas
When Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incas by trapping their emperor Atahualpa he had a great victory which brought precious metals to Spain and great wealth. This conquest showed the start of Europeans colonizing South America and the end of the Inca empire. Pizarro ended up founding the city of Lima. -
Henry the VIII Split from Catholic Church
Henry wanted a boy so in order to do that he had to get a divorce, but the Catholic church didn't allow him to divorce so he had no choice but to leave the church. This led to England becoming Anglican and Thomas Cramer's death. -
Period: 1545 to 1563
Council of Trent
The Council of Trent focused on rooting out corruption and reforming the church. The council also replied to Luther's ideas by ruling against them and banning the idea of faith and faith alone. This Council was also able to reform its old and new testaments. -
The ascension of Mary Tudor
When Mary Tudor first came to the throne, on the first day she made England Catholic again. She left three options if you are Anglican, first to leave (you can't go anywhere), second to go back to Catholicism (you would have to leave your family), and lastly death (Mary kills them). This led to a huge loss of people who religiously disagreed with her and this is where she got the name Bloody Mary. -
Sep 25, 1555
The Piece of Augsburg signed
The Piece of Augsburg is a treaty that worked to accept Lutherism and Catholicism. The princes of the state would pick which religion they wanted in their region and it was a great way to solve religious differences without argument. This piece ended the war between the Protestant princes in Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. -
Mar 21, 1556
Thomas Cramer burned at stakes
Thomas Cramer was one of the main leaders of the Reformation. During this time, the Queen was Mary I who got her parents annulled by Thomas Cramer so she already had hatred toward him, along with him being a heretic Mary I sent him to be burned at the stake. This had lots of meaning because he died for what he believed in, and put his right arm in the fire first because that was the hand that signed an agreement that Catholicism was better which he disagreed with. -
Elizabethan Compromise Passed
The Elizabethan Compromise was an act passed to legalize Catholicism and Anglicanism. This religious compromise had one exception, you couldn't convert to Catholicism this was smart because without forcing people to change to Anglicanism in the future the Catholic generation would die leaving Anglicanism the main religion. This compromise shaped the Church of England and ended up being quite successful and led to great acceptance between the religious groups. -
Indulgences Outlawed
The banning of Indulgences was something Martin Luther was working for all his life. Indulgences are something you are able to pay for from the church to lower the amount of time a family member spends in Purgatory. This idea convinced many to give so much money to the church for this cause which Luther thought was wrong. The outlaw brought lots of peice and less argument between the religious groups and their opinions. -
Aug 8, 1570
Peace of St.Germain signed
France had tried to end all eight religious civil wars caused by peace treaties in the past. Finally, The Peace of St.Germaine settled the wars and helped the countries settle so they could begin to focus on centralization. This ultimately settled a lot of disputes between the groups and allowed -
Aug 25, 1572
End of the Bartholomew's Day Massacres
The Bartholomew's Day Massacres were supposed to be police killing a few nobles considered threats, but instead, it turned into 3 days of neighbors killing neighbors. The result of the massacres was the Edict of Nantes which tolerated -
Francis Drake circumnavigated the world
Francis Drake was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world. Not only was he a great navigator but he also was a privateer and got paid to be a pirate. He plundered for Spanish gold and stole from the Spanish, many people were scared of him. He aided England with all these skills by bringing more wealth, and also by helping win the Spanish Armada. -
Spanish Armada Ended
The Spanish Armada's purpose was to gain Catholic rule over England. Spain did this by escorting their army from the Netherlands to England. The end resulted in the English winning and because the Spanish Armada didn't work Spain thought God was against Catholicism and for Anglicanism. The Spanish economy declined and upset the balance of power. -
Edict of Nantes Signed
The Edict of Nantes granted rights to Huguenots and ended the ongoing religious wars. It tolerated Huguenots which allowed for less conflict. The Edict of Nantes, also said for the Huguenots to move on and put the past behind them. They were allowed to worship at home and in particular places. Lastly no Calvinisms in Paris. This overall benefited everyone by giving them less argument and disagreement In the future. -
Period: to
Dutch East India Company
The Dutch East India Company was very important during the age of global exploration, this is because it was the richest and most profitable company in the world. It was so profitable it had its own military and had the right to declare war which it did. It was also very important and helped with plenty of trade activities like spices, textiles, and gems brought to Europe from Asia. -
War ended with Scotland
This war led to great achievements, although we already had a petition of right, It didn't ensure the use of Parliament. The right was once again signed this time adding two additional key details. The first is that Parliament dissolves itself, and the second is Parliament assembles automatically every three years. These two rules made the war worth it and allowed great improvements, to ensure the need for parliament and no dictatorship. -
Period: to
The English Civil War
The English Civil War was caused by people supporting the royal side (Cavaliers) or the Parliament (Roundheads). This led to the victory of the Roundheads and with that came lots of change because Parliament would take laws and govern the nation. -
Period: to
Reign of Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell played an important role in the Age of Absolutism, he ruled as Lord Protector and was a military genius. Cromwell also was responsible for the execution of the king. Lastly, he made two changes, abolished the monarchy and Calvinism. The abolishment of a monarchy was very big and allowed people to vote for their representatives. -
Period: to
The Construction of Versaille
The Construction of Versailles had lots of meaning and led to many things. The Palace was built to be the home of Louis XIV, he hosted many parties there daily to the point where nobles started living in his house. At these parties, Louis would ask nobles for their money. In return, their generations wouldn't have to pay taxes. Although France lost a lot of money, Louis had everyone wanting to do favors for him which led him to many accomplishments and total control of the country. -
The Start of the Glorious Revolution
The Glorious Revolution was a peaceful bloodless revolution. It brought William and Mary to the throne. Anglicanism came back, and this was a very impactful takeover because it established Parliament as the ruling power in England. -
The Bill of Rights was signed
The Bill of Rights is a condition that allowed William and Mary to share power with Parliament. Everyone is welcome but Calvinists and the monarch would be governed by law. This was different from before because Parliament was finally going to be able to speak freely, make a difference, and have more say when it comes to laws and important decisions.