8th grade History

  • Pilgrims

    The Pilgrims settled in Plymouth in the early 1600s to escape prosecution for their religion. They had good relations with the Indians, they celebrated the freedom of choice, and started the tradition of Thanksgiving.
  • Puritans

    The Puritan will was carried out strictly and militarily. Their intolerance and "purity" spread to Massachusetts.
  • Lord Baltimore

    Lord Baltimore
    Lord Baltimore was granted all land between the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay. He used this land to provide refuge for the Catholics of Anglican England, a persecuted minority.
  • Roger Williams

    Roger Williams
    Believing in complete religious freedom, he was banished from Massachusetts by the Puritans. He bought land from the Narraganset Indians and established Rhode Island.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson
    Anne Hutchinson was known for questioning the teachings of the Massachusetts ministers. After gaining attention from many churchgoers, she was arrested for heresy and banished from Massachusetts.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    Having owed a large debt to the Penn family, King Charles ll gave William Penn what is now known as Pennsylvania. The Quaker used it as a refuge for other Quakers.
  • The 1st Great Awakening

    The 1st Great Awakening
    Religious feeling was revived in this movement. Faith in God was restored and new takes on religion swept the world.
  • Virginia Statutes for Religious Freedom

    Virginia Statutes for Religious Freedom
    Thomas Jefferson wrote these documents so people could have the freedom to exercise religion. This was the beginning of religious diversity in the United States.