8D-Sarah M13 narrative of conflict & struggle

By sarah8d
  • 160

    Local;the Christian icon

    Local;the Christian icon
    The Christian's and the Muslims had alot of conflict. The Muslims toke over,but Queen Isabella and King Fredinand where Christian.They decided to help the Christians rule over the Muslims and later on did and Christians were more powerful.
  • Jan 1, 1506

    Art: Mona Lisa was finished

    Art: Mona Lisa was finished
    Leornardo De Vinci the painter of the Mona Lisa had took many years to finished this painting because we screwed but and couldnt draw the face properly as he planed
  • Architecture: Taj Mahal was created

    Architecture: Taj Mahal was created
    The Tag Mahal was created with many struggles but they wanted the Taj Mahal represents the finest and most sophisticated example of Mughal architecture. They broke many materials and burried a women underneath the Taj Mahal and later on was made as planned
  • Song: Radiohead -- "Creep"

    Song: Radiohead -- "Creep"
    Radiohead had many struggles when making and performing the song "Creep". Radiohead couldnt make a song as perfect as he usally does,It took him forever but made it and turned out to be a hit. He also had stage fright which he had to overcome before we started performing infront of many people.
  • Peom:Transfiguration Icon

    Peom:Transfiguration Icon
    This peom turned out being a hug icon but along the way there were many struggles. You wouldn't believe how many papers where trown and how long it takes to write and recite a peom like this.
  • Other: Micheal jackson

    Other: Micheal jackson
    Micheal Jackson was a huge icon. Micheal was a great dancer and singer, he has later called the King of pop. He had many struggles alone the way from taking care of his children to performing. He had help and became a huge icon later on.
  • Literature:Chinua Achebe

    Literature:Chinua Achebe
    Chinua Achebe was a writer.He was a creative writer and had many struggles as it took him many days to finish his book and finding a topic to write about.