
8B history of computers

  • analog

    are used to process analog data. Analog data is of continuous nature and which is not discrete or separate. Such type of data includes temperature, pressure, speed weight, voltage, depth etc. These quantities are continuous and having an infinite variety of values.
  • ada lovelace iteraciones

    ada lovelace iteraciones
    mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage designed a primal computer, an analytic machine for which Ada Lovelace developed the first algorithm in history. He created his idea in 300 drawings and 2,200 pages full of descriptions, but he never materialized it. The Plan 28 project team tries to decipher the instructions to build the device.
  • Bell laboratories scientist George Stibitz

    Bell laboratories scientist George Stibitz
  • First Computer Program

    First Computer Program
    University of Manchester researchers Frederic Williams, Tom Kilburn, and Geoff Toothill develop the Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM).Williams Tube – which was the first electronic random access memory for computers,consisting of seventeen instructions and written by Kilburn, ran on June 21st, 1948.
  • Pilot ACE completed

    Pilot ACE completed
    Ideas from Alan Turing, Britain´s Pilot ACE computer is constructed at the National Physical Laboratory. a symposium on large-scale digital calculating machinery in 1947 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The design packed 800 vacuum tubes into a relatively compact 12 square feet.
  • researchers build the TX-o

    researchers build the TX-o
  • Librascope LGP-30

    Librascope LGP-30
    The Librascope division of defense contractor General Precision buys Frankel’s design, renaming it the LGP-30 in 1956,the LGP-30 was a “bargain” at less than $50,000 and an early example of a ‘personal computer,’ that is, a computer made for a single user.
  • desktop

    is a personal computing device designed to fit on top of a typical office desk. It houses the physical hardware that makes a computer run and connects to input devices such as the monitor, keyboard and mouse users interact with.
  • Hybrid

    is a combination of digital and analog computers. It combines the best features of both types of computers, has the speed of analog computer and the memory and accuracy of digital computer. Hybrid computers are used mainly in specialized applications where both kinds of data need to be processed.
  • touchpad

    refers to a touch panel that allows you to control a cursor or facilitate navigation through a menu or any graphical interface,
    It is used in laptops and is a rectangular square or touch-sensitive surface located below the space bar of the laptop (laptop or netbook) To move the mouse pointer.
  • digital

    Works with digits to represent numerals, letters or other special symbols. Digital Computers operate on inputs which are on-off type and its output is also in the form of on-off signal, normally, an on is represented by a 1 and an off is represented by a 0 ,so we can say that digital computers process information which is based on the presence or the absence of an electrical charge or we prefer to say a binary 1 or 0.
  • network computers

    network computers
    is a set of equipment (computers or devices) connected by means of cables, signals, waves or any other method of data transport, which share information (files), resources (CD-ROM, printers).
  • wifi part of history

    wifi part of history
    at the end of the 90 companies, Nokia or symbol technologies created the WECA(wireless ethernet compatibility) which in 2003 was renamed the Wi-Fi alliance, whose objective was the promotion of wi-fi technology and the creation of standards so that equipment were compatible with each other
  • tablets

    the Finnish company Nokia developed a tablet prototype, the Nokia 510 webtablet, weighing two kilos and a ten-inch touch screen; the same Steve Jobs was interested in knowing the device, independently Microsoft introduced in the same year Mira (later called Tablet
  • 2002

    operators around the world start offering Wifi along with classic cable connectivity.
  • Wifi faster

    Wifi faster
    Wifi becomes faster. New standards increase the speed to 54 Mbps (802.11g)