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8A/Karthik~ Independent Reading #1 Promise of the neverland Vol-13 Kaiu Shirai3

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    event 1

    After Yugo and Lucas escorted the kids out of the secret base when the Ratiri clan plan to do a raid and kill all of the cattle childern. Lucas and Yugo slowly assainated Mr andrew soilder meaning his pawns.
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    event 2

    eventually Lucas and Yugo killed Mr.Andrew 3 or 4 pawns. Andrew got enough of it and planned to lure Lucas and hold Yugo as a hostage. Lucas dived and sacrificed himself to protect Yugo. Luckily they escaped headed for the exit. but eventually Yugo and lucas got shot.
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    event 3

    Andrew told both of them that they were the fools. But looks like Andrew was the biggest fool Yugo and Lucas sacrificed himself by sparking fire in a Combustible gas and suicide with Andrew. Meanwhile Emma and her group in the forest making lsupper already. Emma waited hours and hours and Yugo came and gave her a farewell goodbye. Even though Emma cried she didn't tell her group
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    event 4

    In this part Yugo flashback shows that how much he suffered alone when his friends sacrificed themselves to save yugo to escape out of the hunting ground. he decided to suicide because he had enough with this loneliness but when Emma and her crew came, Yugo founded hope with them.
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    event 5

    Oliver needed to speak to Emma in secret. Oliver gave a sheet to Emma, It had 14 or more numbers but segregated by 3 numbers in row. After knowing which source to decipher the code was the mythology book by minerva.
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    event 6

    Lately Emma crew notice that Dominic has been missing. But luckily they found him But the strange thing is that Dominic said "run" every single second and the purpose was he was held as a hostage and Dominic leg has been injured. And the one that is holding Dominic as a captive the hostage is ANDREW.
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    event 7

    After returning to the base. Now everyone knows that lucas and Mister are dead everyone crying in sorrow. 4 min later Emma juniors decrypted the code and it said "go to the jaw of lion".
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    event 8

    October 2047: a random meat farm.
    In this setting 4 almost adults have slaughtered Demons to rescue cattle children. A strange man shows and offer safety and shelter to the cattle children. But they'll die if they remove the fluids and drugs out of them and the 4 guys and 1 girl burned down the farm.
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    event 9

    meanwhile Emma gang spent tirelessly abandon their secret base because they know another raid is going to be definitely be there. Ray spotted the tracker device during the Mr.Andrew hostage show. On the way Emma company spotted 2 young gentlemen are corned by demons. without hesitation they killed the demons but held them hostage.
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    Event 10

    Eventually these 2 guys were so loud at saying sorry and introduce themselves as Hayato and Jin and they just realized that Emma and everyone from Gracefield house. The unexpected event was to find them and they were part of the William minerva group. After finding that they were allies with Minerva but Chris on the other hand isn't going to make it and He needs some medications. Emma thought this was over But not yet don't give up now Hayato said He suggested to steal some drugs nearby farm.