Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
This agreement nullified the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850 and gave the United States the right to create and control a canal across Central America, connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
This treaty granted the United States control over a canal zone ten miles wide across the Isthmus of Panama. In return, the United States guarenteed the independence of Panama and agreed to pay Colombia a onetime fee of $10 million and an annual rental of $250,000. -
Roosevelt Corollary
Was a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. It asserted that the United States would intervene in Latin Americam affairs if the countries themselves could not keep their affairs in order. -
Taft-Katsura Agreement
The United States recognized Japan's sphere of influence in Korea; in exchange, Japan recognized the United States's sphere of influence in the Philippines. -
Root-Takahira Agreement
Japan and America relations improved, and in 1908 the two nations promised to maintain the status quo in the Pacific, uphold the Open Door, and support Chinese independence. -
The Beginning of WWI
A Bosnian assassin linked to Serbia murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Within weeks, Germany, Turkey, and Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers) were at war with England, France, and Russia (the Allied Powers). -
The Sinking of the Lusitania
The Brtish steamship that set sail from New York to Liverpool that German U-boats fired a torpedo at without a warning, which then set off an explosion sinking the ship and nearly killing 1200 people, including 128 Americans. -
The Sussex Pledge
The kaiser of Germany agreed to Wilson's demands and promised to shoot on sight only ships of the enemy's navy. But he attached the condition that the United States compel the Allies to end their blockade and comply with international law. Wilson accepted the pledge but turned down the condition. -
Wilson's "preparedness" parade
With an American flag draped over his shoulder, Wilson marched in a giant preparedness parade in Washington. -
German U-boats
The German ambassador in Washington informed Lasnsing that beginning February 1, U-boats would sink on sight all ships--passenger or merchant, neutral or belligerent, armed or unarmed--in the waters around England and France. -
Zimmermann Telegram
The British government privately gave Wilson a telegram intercepted from Arthur Zimmermann, the German foreign minister, to the german ambassador in Mexico. -
American Declaration of War
The declaration of war was proposed on April 2 at 8:30 in the evening and passed four days later with 50 members of the House and 6 senators voting against it. Even then, the country was divided over entry into the war. -
Sedition Act
Passed by Congress imposing harsh penalties on anyone using "diloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the government, flag, or armed forces uniforms. -
Selective Service Act
Passed by Congress providing for the registration of all men between the ages of 21 and 30 into the draft. -
Espionage Act
Passed by Congress which imposed sentences of up to twenty years in prison for persons found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty. -
Wilson's Fourteen Points
Wilson appeared before Congress and outlined terms for a far-reaching, nonpunitive settlement. Wilson's Fourteen Points were generous and farsighted, but they failed to satisfy wartime emotions that sought vindication. -
German Assault
The Germans launched a massive assault in western Europe. Troops from the Russian front added to the force; and by May they had driven Allied forces back to the Marne River, just 50 miles from Paris. -
Germany Armistice
Germany appealed to WIlson for an armistice, and by the end of the month, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary were out of the war. -
The end of WWI
Germany signed the armistice. The AEF lost 48,909 dead and 230,000 wounded; losses to disease brought the total of dead to more thatn 112,000. The American contribution, although small in comparison to the enormous costs to European nations, was vital. -
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was signed in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailled, and Wilson started home for his most difficult fight.