The American Civil War

  • Period: to

    The American Civil War

  • Election of 1860

  • Fort Sumter

  • Battle of Bull Run

    The battle of Bull Run was the first major battle of the Civil War. 3,000 federal troops marched from Wachington D.C. to fight Confederate troops near Bull Creek in Virginia.The union forces seemed close to victory but the Confederate sent the Union back running to D.C. This battle promoted the myth that the Rebels were invincible at battle.
  • Monitor and Merrimac

    The North's hope of victory depended on the ability to shut down the South's sources of supplies. The established the Anaconda Plan to blockade the Southern ports. The Merrimac (later known as Virginia) was a southern boat made that could destroy all of North's ships putting a dint in the North's plan for the blockage. In response the Union built a boated named Monitor. These boats fought in a duel with Monitor prevented Merrimac from challeneging the blockade.
  • Battle of Antietam

    After his victory at bull run, Robert E. Lee led his troops across the Potomac into Union territory, Maryland. Lincoln reappointed a new commander of the Union army, McClellan. McClellan know Lee's battle plan by picking it up from a Confederate officer who dropped it. With this information the Union army intercepted the Confederates at Antienam Creek. This battle was the bloodiest day of the war and was also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg.
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    McClellan was replaced with a more wise general, Ambrose Burnside. Burnside led the Union troops to Fredricksburg, Virginia to attack the Confederate Army. By the action of recklessness, the Union army lost more than 12,000. The confederate was damaged with the wounded 5,000 casualities.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by the United States president at the time, Abraham Lincoln. It stated the freedom of 3.1 million out of the 4 million slaves throughout America.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Lee led the Confederates into enemy territory: Maryland and Pennsylvania. Lee's plan was to destroy the Union army or to capture a major north city to make the Union surrender or gain intervention in the South. This war was the most crucial and the bloodiest, with over 50,000 casualties. Instead of destroying the Union army, Lee's plan was turned over and a large part of the Confederates was destroyed. This leading the Confederates to Virgina never returning to take the offense.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    By the spring of 1863 the Union controlled New Orleans and most of the Mississippi River and surrounding valley. The Union had an objective to take over the complete Mississipi river. Therefore, the Union attacked the Confederate soldiers with artillary for the seven weeks until finally, the Confederates surrendered.
  • Sherman's March

    William Tecumseh Sherman was the mastermind behind Grant;s tactics for subduing the South. Leading a force of 100,000 men, Sherman started for Chattanooga, Tennessee, on a campaign of destruction that went across the state of Georgia and then north to South Carolina. Marching through Georgia, his troops destroyed everything in their path. He took the city of Atlanta just in time for Lincoln's reelection. Completing his compaign, he marched into Savannah and then set fire to Columbia.