Civil war soldiers

The American Civil War

By cooper
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    Davis was selected the president of the Cofederate States of America. His presideency was plagued with financial problems and when he took control of the military forces he failed. He could not find a way to beat the better planned, orgnaized and larger Union, along with his shortcomings as a leader.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Licoln wanted to send supplies to the federally controlled fort in Charleston South Carolina, which was running low. He wanted to see if the confederate state would allow this or open fire. South Carolina opened fire in response and the first battle was fought. This united northeners to fight to prserve the union.
  • Winfield Scott and the Anaconda Plan

    Winfield Scott and the Anaconda Plan
    Scott was a successful long-time General and a failed presidential candidate for the Whig party. He came up with the Union's successful strategical, Anaconda plan. The plan was to blockade the south's ports and cut the south in half. This strategy would ultimately lead to the South's defeat.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    This was the first major land battle of the Civil War. The unexperienced Union forces wanted to take the Southern Capital of Richmond Viginia to end the war quickly but were met at Manassas by confederates who defeated them. Both sides realized the war would be long and violent and hard to end quickly.
  • Thomas Stonewall Jackson

    Thomas Stonewall Jackson
    Jackson earned his nickname "Stonewall" during the first Battle of Bull Run when his forces proved to be impossible to pass up. He was a very well known commander and a huge asset to the confederate forces. His tactical and bold strategies were very successful and it was a huge loss when he died of pneumonia in 1863.
  • George McClellan

    George McClellan
    McClellan formed the famous Army of the Potomac, and was a well liked leader by soldiers. However, McClellan was unsecessful on the battel field. He was good at getting soldiers ready to fight but Lincoln soon removed him from command. He proved to be insubordinate and uncooperative.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    Grant was a general in the Union Army intially dealing with volunteers and new arrivals. He ended up with command of the union army and led them to defeat the confederate army. Him and Lee signed the tretay ending the war at appomatix.
  • Monitor and Merrimac

    Monitor and Merrimac
    This was a naval battle fought at Hampton roads where the Elizabeth and Nanesmond rivers meet the james river. Thi was the first appearance of ironclad ships in warfare. It was a southern maneuver to pass the northern blockades but both appeared with ironclads,Monitr for the north and the former merrimaac for Virginia and th ebattle was indecisive.
  • Robert E. Lee

    Robert E. Lee
    Lee was the head military advisor to Davis during the war, and a successful general. Lee assumed command of the confederate army and was a brilliant battelefield tactician. Lee had many victories and was one of the souths greatest assets for his military prowess and as the South's symbol and leader of the "lost cause."
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This battle was fought in Sharpsburg Maryland at anitetam creek. Thi was the first major battle of the Civil War to be fought in Northern teritory. This was the Largest single-day battle with 23,000 casualities.
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    Battle of Fredricksburg
    This battle was fought in Fredricksburg Virginia with Lee fighting against Burnside's Potomac army. The south bashed union forces and was one of the most one-sided battles of the war. Union casualities wer twice that od confederate's. This was yet another failed attempt to march and capture the southern capital of Richmond.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln issued this order freeing all Southern slaves. This did not have a huge affect on actually freeing the slaves but did change the fight of the civil war. This united the union under the cause of fighting to end slavery and made it a war for freedom. Lincoln's motive was not for the end of slavery but to save the union.