
My learning curve

  • Run Spot run....

    Run Spot run....
    My Dad loved Dr. Suess and read it to us. I learn to read and write in 1st grade - beginning the learning curve
  • Book Fairs in the library

    I loved to look at books, but I hated to read. It was hard for me and I couldn't concentrate. I faked reading in the "reading circle"
  • High School - reading necessary

    Learning to find answers without fully reading text. I enjoyed looking at the dictionary and encylopedias. I read directions for sewing, cooking, arts and crafts. I could write for the newspaper and yearbook, but I didn't have the eloquent story writing one of my friends had. Where did that eloquence come from I wondered.
  • Art History in college

    Had to read this huge book and remember what I read. I had to develop new skills and techniques to master this reading. I learned better note taking, how to find what was important, how to review the text first for clues.
  • Reading for Fun

    I found a love for Agatha Christy books and read them for severl years.
  • Technology

    I first learned to use the old punch card computers at MU
  • Personal Computer

    Our first personal computer to learn how to use
  • Farming and starting a journal

    I choose to raise sheep, I had to read all about them and stay current with magazine reading.
    I start a journal to help me deal with my family relationships.
  • Teaching

    I decide to get my certificate to teach art. Educational journals, education jargon..........new process. Reading, writing, lesson plans, psychology, reflections..........
  • Masters

    Begin UMKC for masters program. Took some time off and picked it up later. More reading, more educational jargon, more refection and professional writing skills needed.
  • Cell Phone

    New forms of communication
  • Internet

    It becomes common to use
  • Internet use daily

    It is now a daily use - e-mail a form of writing and keeping current
    research of information at our fingertips
    new skills needed to determine valid use and information
  • Facebook and Personal Networking

    More new ways to communicate, write, get and share information, compile information................what is next?
  • 10 years of teaching

    Every year I learn, every year I find new things to teach, new ways to teach them, and new questions for myself...........