chemistry timeline

By tr22
  • 350


    he developed the theory that all matter consists of four elements earth,air,water, and fire.
  • 470


    first proposed the exixtance of an ultimate particle
  • Period: 470 to

    chemistry project

  • antione lauoisier

    he proposed the combustian theory and named oxygen and hydrogen.
  • joseph proust

    made the law of definate proportions.
  • john dalton

    he stated that elements consisted of tiny particles called atoms.
  • michael faraday

    michael faraday developed the feild of theory of electromagnetism.
  • robert millikan

    he discovered the weight of an electron.
  • henri baquerel

    discovered that some chemicals spontaneosly decompose.
  • jj thompson

    discovered the negativly chaarged electrons in the bcathaid raid tube.
  • marie curie

    discovered that the strength of radiation did not depend on the compound.
  • max planck

    max planck devoloped the quantum theory
  • albert einstien

    he explained the special theory of relativity.
  • ernest rutherford

    described that the atom had a central positive nucleus surrounded by negative orbiting electrons
  • neils bohr

    made the legendary bohr model.
  • james chadwick

    chadwick joined rutherford to acomplishthe transmutation of light elements.