The first battle
Washington defeats the French in a surprise atack. His troops retreat to Great Meadows and build Fort Necassity. -
The french take Fort Necessity
Washington's resignation
Blamed for Fort Necessity, Washington resigns. He will later return as a volunteer under British authority. -
The British seize Acadia (Nova Scotia)
Declarations War
Great Britain declares war on France. France declares war on Great Britain. -
The French take Fort Ticonderoga
The Bristish seize Louisbourg, opening the route to Canada -
The British win the decisive Battle of Quebic. Montcalm and Wolfe, the commanding generalsof both armies perish in battle. -
French seige of Qubec falls
The functional end of the war
The British flag is raised over Detroit, effectivley ending the war. -
Indian Wars
Pontiac, the Ottowa Cheif, proposes a coalition of Ottowas, Potawatomies and Hurons for the purpose of attacking Detroit. -
Battle of Detroit
Pontiac's forces lay seige to Detroit. That summer his allies destroy forts at Venango, Le Boeuf and Presque Isle. -
SmallPox Men
Men of the garrison at Fort Pitt infect besieging cheifs with blankets from the smallpox hospital. Soon faced with an epidemic, the Indians retreat. -
Pontiac capitulates at Detroit
Indian power in the Ohio Valley is Broken.