Packet-switching Networks Come Into Operation
"Transmitted data is broken up into small packets of data, sent to its destination, and reassembled at the other side. This means that a single signal can be routed to multiple users, and an interrupted packet may be re-sent without loss of transmission. Packets can be compressed for speed and encrypted for security." -
Packet-switching networks began in America
Personal Computers
Personal computers were introduced in the late 70's.This lead to a rapid growth in the amount of computer users. -
"USENET contributed more than anything else to the way the Internet began to take off. It was the 'spirit of information sharing and discussion.'" -
IRC (Internet Chat Relay)became available
World-Wide Web introduced
Developed by Tim Berners-Lee.
"Tim saw the need for a standard linked information system accessible across the range of different computers in use. It had to be simple so that it could work on both dumb terminals and high-end graphical X-Window platforms. He got some pages up and was able to access them with his 'browser'." -
The first-proper web browser Mosaic developed by the National Center for Super-Computer Applications
lead to a boom in computer usage.