Party Established
In response to Septerber 11th and the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers, the Red White and Blue Party was founded to promote patrrotism and unity in the United States of America. The Red White and Blue party was founded as an alternative to the two main parties in America. Unlike the Democrats and Republicans, members of the Red White and Blue Party focus on the citizens rather than corporate business. -
Party Symbol Created
The Cobra was chosen as the party symbol for two reasons. It is a reference to the beginning of America and the saying "Dont Tread on Me." The Cobra also stands for strength which is what our party believes is a characteristic of American society and should be a characteristic of our government. -
2002 Mid-term Elections
The Red White and Blue Party with strong and rapidly growing support takes over10 seats in the Senate and 30 seats in the House. -
George Bush Elected President
Presidential Canidate David Lucas is narrowly edged out of the Presidency by George W. Bush. -
Mid-term Eleciton Results in Majorities
The Mid-term Election results in a Red White and Blue Majority in both the House and the Senate. -
Closest Presidential Race in History
In the closest Presidential election in histoy, party canidate David Lucas loses the election to Barack Obama. -
Mid-term elections
The Red White and Blue Party is poised to gain 90% of seats in both the House and the Senate.