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The Satyam Saga

  • Maytas acquisition proposal

    Satyam Computer Services proposes to acquire Maytas Properties and 51 per cent stake in Maytas Infra.
  • Maytas plan dropped

    The Chairman, Mr B. Ramalinga Raju, drops plan to acquire Maytas twins. Says the company misread the possible impact
  • Board meet on share buyback

    Satyam board to meet on December 29 to consider a share buyback in a bid to restore confidence.
  • World Bank blow

    The World Bank decided to keep Satyam off all businesses for eight years due to allegations of data theft in a project and providing improper benefits to the bank staff.
  • Mangalam Srinivasan quits

    Dr Mangalam Srinivasan, the longest serving independent director quits, owning moral responsibility for not casting a dissent vote against the Maytas deals.
  • Board meet deferred

    Satyam defers December 29 board meeting to ensure physical participation of all members on board.
  • 3 more directors quit

    Mr Vinod K. Dham, Dr Krishna G. Palepu and Prof Mendu Rammohan Rao resign on corporate governance issue.
  • Promoters stake reduced

    Satyam says the promoters' stake reduced to 5.13 per cent from 8.65 percent at the end of September 2008.
  • Ramalinga Raju resigns; admits to financial wrong-doings

    Mr B Ramalinga Raju resigns as Chairman after admitting to major financial wrong-doings and saying his last-ditch efforts to fill the %u201Cfictitious assets with real ones'' through Maytas acquisition failed.