Muhammed's birth
He was born to Aminah and Adbullah.
He is son of Abd al-Muttalib in 570 C.E -
Miro becomes Kingof Suevi -
Period: 570 to Dec 31, 632
Muhammed's Life
Jan 1, 610
First Revelation
While in the cave on the mountain Jabal al-Nur Muhammed recieved the first verses of the Qur'an from God. -
Jan 1, 610
King of Visigoths
Gundemar becomes King of Visigoths -
Jan 1, 620
Remarkable spiritual events.
The most remarkablespirtual event occured. Muhammed was belived to have transported to Jerusalem and then to Heave, on the Night Journey called Isra' and Miraj. God was to have given the order of muslims to pray 5 times a day. -
Jan 1, 621
King of all Spain
Suintila becaomes king of the Visgoths and was crowed the title of king of all spain. -
Jan 1, 622
Trip to Yathib
The migration of of the muslims to Yathib was called Hijrah. They journied there because they were offered asylum. -
Jan 1, 630
Taking of Makkah
Muhammed immediatelly marched on Makkah and took the city peacfully after the Makkans broke their treaty with the Muslims. -
Jun 8, 632
Death of Muhammed
Muhammed became ill with a strong fever and died on June 8th included is an image of his actual grave sight. -
Khadijah's death
Muhammed's wife Khadijah died, his protectoralso died around the same time his name was Abu Talib. -
Journey to Makkah
After the battle of Trench, Muhammed decided to lead a pilgrimage to Makkah. -
Visgoths king Leovigild
Visigoths led by Leovigild defeat King Andeca and take over kingdom of his Suevians -
Christianity to Britain
St. Augustine of Canterbury brings Christianity to Britain. -
Europe Plague
After killing about half the population, plague in Europe subsides -
Reccared conversion of faith
Reccared king of visgoths I is converted from Arianism to orthodox Catholicism making his base in Teledo. -
Bishop of Braga
Pantardus made Bishop of Braga