Jan 1, 1300
In Around 1300, The Renaissance began in Italy. It was the age that brought great knowledge & power. Wikipedia Article - Renaissance. -
Jan 1, 1300
Art in the Renaissance
Art was very important because church leaders during the Renaissance beautified Rome & other cities by spending huge amounts of money for Art. Also, Art in the Renaissance was better than the medievel times artwork because it had perspective & most of their art is still respected today. From page 472 in the World History Book. -
Jan 1, 1348
The Black Death
Wikipedia ArticleEurope was thriving during the Renissance, but then came the Black Death. The Black Death is one of deadliest pandemics in human history. It Killed most of the European Population, which was followed by the end of the Renaissance. It took 150 years for Europe to recover from the plague. -
Jan 1, 1400
Looking to Greece & Rome
Wikipedia ArticleThe people in the Renaissance looked down on the Art of past times & looked up to the art & teachings of the Romans. The study of the classics led to Humanism, an intellectual movement that focused on education . Found on page 472. -
Jan 1, 1436
The Printing Press
Wikipedia ArticleJohaness Gutenburg began working on his invention, the printing press in the late 1400s. The printing press was a machine used to print more paper than a normal person would write in a short amount of time, & it lead to many more people reading books in the vernacular, & many more people gaining knowlege. -
Jan 1, 1500
Renaissance Man
A Renaissance Man is a man who excelled in many fields , & who was praised as a Universal Man. Most people believed that a Renaissance Man should be charming, witty & well educated in the classics. Found in the Renaissance Chapter of World History Book.
Found on page 473 * -
Jan 1, 1500
Renaissance Woman
Renaissance Women were better educated than medieval women, but most had little influence in politics. They were smarter, bolder, & more individual than the women of the mideval times. Found on page 473 of the World History Book -
Jan 1, 1500
The Elizabeth Era
Wikipedia ArticleThe Renaissance spread to England in the mid-1500s. This period was known as the Elizabeth Age . Queen Elizabeth was very well educated & as queen she did much to support the development of English Art & Literature. She was the first queen of England, and she was a very good leader. Found In World History Book - (Renaissance Chapter) -
Jan 1, 1500
Renaissance Leads To The Reformation
Wikipedia ArticleBecause many people in the renaissance were becoming more secular & books in the vernacular were becoming more popular, more people began questioning the church's authority. Many people started to believe that the church leaders were being corrupt & using the church for their needs, and this lead to the reformation. Reformation - A movement for relegious reform -
Jan 1, 1564
William Shakespeare
Wikipedia ArticleThe most famous writer of the Elizabeth Age was William Shakespeare. Shakespare's many poems & stories. He was a very respected poet & playwright in his day, but in our time, most view him as one of the best writers ever. His most famous play was Romeo & Juliet. -
The Caraval
Wikipedia ArticleThe most important technology invented in the Renaissance was the Caraval. The Caraval was the first oceansailing ship. It allowed trade with many other countries , & it started the period of exploration & expansion, which became known as the age of discovery. -
Renaissance Writers Change Literature
Wikipedia ArticleBefore the Renaissance writers wrote in ancient greek or latin, but the Renaissance made people write in the vernacular. Before writing in the vernacular, many people wouldn't read literature because they couldn't understand the language, but writing in the vernacular helped many people able to read & interpret things for themselves, rather than having a priest or someone else interpret it for them. Found in the Renaissance Chapter - World History Book .