
Hezbollah Violence

By lacie21
  • Isreal Invades Lebanon

    Isreal Invades Lebanon
    Intended to drive out PLO's terrorist Army.
  • Hezbollah Goes Public

    They state they will continue the struggle until Israel is destroyed.
  • Sayyad Hassan Nasrallah takes over Hezbollah

    Sayyad Hassan Nasrallah takes over Hezbollah
    He comes to power after Israel kills Abbas Musawi, the groups previous leader.
  • Hezbollah Fires 28 Katyusha Rockets into Israel

    Hezbollah Fires 28 Katyusha Rockets into Israel
    In defense Israel responded with the "Grapes of Wrath" operation, in attempt to seize Hezbollah attacks. They fired 28 Katyusha Rockets into Israel.
  • Hezbollah is listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S.

    Hezbollah is listed by the U.S as a terrorist organization and is later listed by Canada, the British government, and Australia.
  • Israel Withdraws Troops

    Israel Withdraws Troops
    After 18 years the Israeli troops in Lebanon withdraw.
  • Hezbollah attacks Israel and kidnaps three soldiers

    The soldiers are assumed dead. Later on they kidnap a businessman. Four years later Israel frees 400 arab prisoners so that they may recieve the business man and the three bodies back.
  • Ban of Hezbollah's satellite television network

    Ban of Hezbollah's satellite television network
    The U.S. and france ban the television network, Al Manar. It is said to preach violence and hatred.