Printing Press in China
In 105 Ts’ai Lun invented the process for manufacturing paper, introducing the first use in China
(Wikipedia) -
Jan 1, 1436
The Begining
Gutenberg begins to work on his own Printing press (ideafinder.com/history/inventions/printpress.htm) -
Jan 1, 1452
Johann Gutenberg
In 1452, Johann Gutenberg combined known technologies from europe and Asia with his idea for molding movable type to create a printing press that changed the world.
(McDougal Littell World History Patterns of Interaction) -
Jan 1, 1452
Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes began printing the bible. he finished on the year 1456 -
Jan 1, 1455
Guenbergs Bible
In 1455 decades later Guenberg's Bible was printed presses started porducing granders and dictionary's that increased literacy ("A Short History of the Printing Press") -
Jan 1, 1457
Pages Printed
A page of Caxton's Recuuell of the Hystoryes of troye, printed at Bruges about 1475 -
Jan 1, 1473
Printing in Lyons
Guillame Le Roy introduced the Printing Press in Lyons in 1473 ("A Short history of the Printed World") -
Nov 18, 1477
First Dated Book
The dictes or Sayings of the Philosophers was the first dated book printed in Engaland on Nov. 18, 1477 ("The Book") -
Jan 1, 1499
Printing All Around Europe
Printing becomes known to more than 2500 cities around Europe (ideafinder.com/history/inventions/printpress.htm) -
Jan 1, 1515
The Afters of the Printing Press
After the printing press was invented the Almagest was soon to be printed. This was the first thing that was printed. (teachingcompany.12.forumer.com.a.3-truth.htm) -
Ideas Expanding
Later on the printing press turned into something bigger. Later a guy named Henry Mill created somthing that will turn out to be like the type writer. (ideafinder.com/history/inventors/sholes.htm) -
Movable Type
Besides your basic handwriting versions of making books Linotype was introduced (inventionreaction.com/famous-inventions/Printion-press)