
  • Period: Jan 1, 1122 to


  • Feb 20, 1323

    The Start

    New ways are developed and now opens new ways of living but lack of communication still separate the world.
  • Dec 18, 1336


    Foragers are adapting tools and techniques for their environment for gathering based on favored resources.
  • Mar 27, 1423

    Changing the Environment

    The environment is changed thanks to our activity that continues to shape it.
  • Sep 30, 1457


    Farming communities have more power because the change of the environment.
  • Nov 19, 1523

    Work Groups

    Division of labor now takes place where men had more jobs than women.
  • Feb 16, 1549

    Men vs Women

    As new opportunities and jobs arrive, women seen as weaker than man are now living most their lives in their homes.
  • Small Jobs Get Big

    Managing large stores require new administration and accounting.
  • Resource Notice

    When 2-3 generations had pass, the population would then notice overgrowth in their gathering needs.
  • Modern Era

    While population grows, people find new ways to define their neighbors, determining who had the resources, who is in control of trade, and who spread a religious worship.
  • GNE

    The first global network of exchange is created. Now people who never had contact for generations can now trade worldwide.
  • GNE Masters

    America and Europe were the First regions to be transformed by the new global system of exchanges.