Agriculture Project Timeline

  • 500

    increasings in agriculture

    Everything starts to grow and increase, such as power, size, states, cities, and forms of communication.
  • Jun 30, 1000

    powerful systems failed

    The powerful systems of Mesoamerica and the Mayan civilization collapsed because of "overexploitation of land."
  • Dec 1, 1000

    families and households in specific areas

    Families and households joined communities that were located in specific states and cities, and those locations soon had population issues.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    domestication for creating human made land

    Domestication started for creating land made by humans by destroying forests, separating rivers, and plowing land, and because of this, communities were formed.
  • Dec 1, 1500

    four world zones formed

    The four world zones were formed: Afro-Eurasian landmass, the Americas, Australia, and the islands of the Pacific
  • Silk Roads created system of exchanges

    The Silk Roads that connected China and the Mediterranean created a wide system of exchanges from Eurasia.
  • rulers of imperial states

    Imperial states started having one ruler per large region of many cities.
  • power structures for defending communities

    Power structures were needed to defend communities, so to do so, they were economically supported by "large concentrations of wealth found in cities."
  • canoes formed as transportation

    Canoes were formed as a new way of transportation in the western Pacific.
  • large communities with labor became states

    When agriculture started to expand, people started to get into large communities with labor to be by the agricultural land, and those areas soon became known as states, then were divided by cities in Egypt.
  • fragile power structures on popular consent

    Leadership depended on popular consent that made the power structures fragile since the leaders had to be trusted by the people.
  • states and cities definition

    States are powerful structures of land and cities are the smaller communities within states.
  • slaughtering animals for seoondary products

    Slaughtering animals for their secondary products in livestock became an innovation for farmers because it was a type of food with fiber and milk, and also created manure for fertilization, carrying people, and transportation of goods
  • men and women jobs

    Men began to act like they were the best because their work was outside of the houses while women sit inside the houses and work there.
  • expanding ideas and exchanging goods

    Expanding ideas and ways of exchanging goods came from the improvements of small changes while handling small crops.
  • trading communities with power

    Since some communities had more resources than others, those communities had power over the others, because they can get whatever they need from the weak community as a trade.
  • villages began practicing horticulture

    Villages in the Algerian Era began practicing forms of agriculture (known as "horticulture") that depended on the labor of humans.
  • epidermic diseases began spreading

    Farming communities had environments that pathogens liked, so small epidemic diseases began spreading around more freely from region to region as populations and communities increased.