
By louisap
  • Period: to


  • Prohibition

    • Banning of the production, import, and transportation of alcohol across the country.
    • Women's groups campaigned for the ban, supported by farms,churches, and merchant associations. -Their opinion was that the grain should be used to feed soldiers and civilians instead of use it for alcohol.
    • All of Canada except for Quebec banned liquor.
  • Spanish Influenza

    Spanish Influenza
    -The Spanish Influenza was an epidemic that soldiers carried from overseas.
    -People who were weak from the virus often got pneumonia.
    - Thousands died from pneumonia (50 000 Canadians).
    - Federal Department of Health was created in 1919.
    - Took control over national concerns with border quarantines.
  • Winnipeg General Strike

    Winnipeg General Strike
    • Resulted because of worker unrest -30,000 people walked off their job to protest
    • Protesters wanted 3 things; decent wages, 8 hour work day, and the right to bargain for better working conditions.
    • Almost all industries and key services were shut down
  • League of Indians

    League of Indians
    -Frederick Loft organized the League of Indians, a Mohawk Veteran from WWI
    - This was the first attempt at a united voice for the Aboriginals.
    - After WWI the Government wanted to enfranchise aboriginal veterens and give them the right to vote, if their status as an aboriginal was dropped.
    - The league progressed to give aboriginals better health,education, finances,control over land, and to be able to fish and hunt without government interference.
  • Branch Plants

    Branch Plants
    • They were copies of the American home company.
    • Produced the came product as the home company, but it would be labeled "made in Canada"
    • They did this to avoid paying higher tariffs.
    • Provided jobs, products, and taxes for Canada.
    • America had the top management in these companies.
  • Group of Seven

    Group of Seven
    • The Group of Seven was made up of Franklin Carmichael, Lawren Harris, A.Y. Jackson, Franz Johnston, Arthur Lismer, J.E.H. Macdonald and F.H. Varley . -First exhibition of of paintings was at eh Art Gallery of Ontario in 1920
    • Ifluenced by impressionist artist.
    • Painted Canadian landscape and dealt with the Canadian experience.
    • The first to create Canadian national style painting.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    • Ran from one end of a building to another, with frames of the car at one end of the line.
    • The first line did'nt move, workers would walk along adding parts as the went.
    • Was created by Henry Ford
    • Each worker on the assembly line had a seperate job
    • These cars made traveling more comfortable for families and farmers
    • They were also status symbols
    • The assembly line was a big push for mass production
  • Insulin

    -Frederick Banting had discovered how to isolate insulin.
    -Went to Professor J.R.R. Macleod at he University of Toronto.
    -J.R.R. gave him the lab and an assistant.
    - Frederick Banting and J.R.R. Macleod recieved the Nobel Prize for the discorvery.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    • Banned all Chinese students except for students, merchants, and diplomants form coming in Canada.
    • From 1923-1947 only 8 Chinese people came into Canada. -This date is known as "Humilation Day" to Chinese Canadians
  • Person's Case

    Person's Case
    • The Supreme Court of Canada decided that women were not persons, and could not be appointed to the senate.
    • Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Henrietta Edwards, and Irene Parlby were the five women fighting against this statement that women are not "persons".
    • They appealed this case to the Privy Council in Britian. -They won their fight after three months of consideration in the Privy Council.
  • Prime Minister R.B. Bennett

    Prime Minister R.B. Bennett
    • Was the Prime Minister during the depression
    • belonged to the Conservative party
    • Did little to help the economic crisis
    • He introduced the highest tariff in Canadian history to protect Canadian businesses
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    • The day the stock market crashed
    • one of the most dramatic events
    • signalling depression
    • many people invested their money in stocks in hopes they would sell them later for higher prices. These people lost everything in the crash
  • Five-Cent Piece Speech

    Five-Cent Piece Speech
    -Given by Mackenzie King
    - Election of 1930
    - A speech about how the social well-being was the responsibility of the provinces
    - Declared that he wouldn't give a "five cent piece" to any province that was without a Liberal government
    - One of the reasons the Liberals lost to the Conservatives in the election
    - Prime Minister Richard Bedford Bennett replaced Mackenzie King
  • Statute of Westminster

    Statute of Westminster
    • British parliament passed the Statute of Westminster
    • made the recommentdations of the Balfour Report Law -Canada became completely self-governing
    • only area Britian still had control is the Privy Council, in Britian.
  • On to Ottawa Trek

    On to Ottawa Trek
    • Thousands of men tired of relief camps in B.C. boarded freight trains to Ottawa to protest against the government.
    • They were joined by other men as they moved east
    • They wanted clear economic improvments. This included decent minimum wages, decent system of unemployment and social insurance.
    • Prime Minister Bennett claimed they were going against the law and part of a plot to overthrow the government
    • A roit broke out and the complaints went unheard.