Oct 31, 600
Celtic Celebration of Samhain
Celebration of the Celtic New Year, which begins on November 1. It was believed that ghosts of the dead returned to earth on this day. -
Oct 31, 700
All Hallows Eve
The night before All Saints Day -
Nov 1, 700
All Saints Day
Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as All Saints Day to honor saints and martyrs. It is widely believed this was done to offer a church sanctioned celebration in place of the pagan Celtic festival. -
Nov 2, 1000
All Souls Day
A day to honor the dead. Together All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day combine to form Hallowmas. -
Halloween brought to America
The Irish Potato Famine brought Irish immigrants and their custom of celebrating Halloween to America. -
Halloween in Anoka, Minn.
First Official City-Wide Observance of Halloween -
The War of the Worlds Broadcast
Orson Welles Broadcast Orson Welles is responsible for one of the best Halloween pranks ever! -
World's Largest Jack-O-Lantern Carved
Largest Jack-O-Lantern Jack-o-lantern weighed 1469 lb and was carved by Scott Cully. -
Full Moon Halloween
The year of the next full moon on Hallloween night!