Team Colabaration
- Creation of team
- Thesis idea
- Search terms: cyberbullying social media
Development of thesis using Gliffy
Researching Sources
-Found sources using mutilple search engines
- Primary and secondary sources -
-Listed sources relavelt to team topic
-Cited and Annotated Sources;
avalible under Citations/Further Reading -
Creation of Webpage
-Developed search terms
- Basic Layout/Design Website
-Citaiton of sources
- Editing/Completing of Thesis Statement -
Strategizing & Concept mapping
-finializing imformations content
-Feedback from within Group
-Rough Draft on the guide
-Insertion of web 2.0
-Use of Blackboard Team Setting -
Final Group Meeting
-Development of Final Presentaiton
-Final editing to the website
- Focus points during presentations -
Final Presentation
-Presentation in front of class
- Explantion of website/ research