Major Events During the 1920's and1930's.

  • The Assembly Lines.

    The Assembly Lines.
    The Assembly Lines were developed by the '' Ford Motor Company'' between 1908 and 1915. This manufacturing process made units cost less and made them very easy to build. Which means more units were being built. But there was one person who made the assembly line more effective. Henry Ford, was the first to master the art of the assembly line he made it more effective and easierand affordable.
  • The Epidemic of the Spanish Flu

    The Epidemic of the Spanish Flu
    By the Fall of 1928 a sudden sweep of danger and fear spread across the globe that people began to think the world was coming to an end. This was all due to "The Swine Flu". The Swine Flu spread across the world killing many people fast as "Lightening".The Swine Flu caused so much damage to those infected that it would cause uncontrollable "hemorrhaging" which is an excess amount of blood loss, filling up your lungs and then resulting in drowning yourself in your own fluids.
  • Period: to

    Timeline 1918-1939

  • Prohibition (The Noble Experiment).

    Prohibition (The Noble Experiment).
    Prohibition in the year 1920 was a time period in the American History that saw a legal ban on sale and transportation of liquor (acohol) and manufacturing. This law came into affect on January 16th 1920. But what was the main reason as to why this rule needed and was applied? The law was given because it was meant to protect family and children from getting ill from alcoholism. The 20's was a roaring time for gangsters to dis obey the law of alocohol and go against any remainging laws.
  • Prime Minister Mackenzie King

    Prime Minister Mackenzie King
    William Lyon Mackenzie King served as the 10th prime minister of Canada. Mackenzie King was the longest serving prime minister in British Commonwealth History. He was born on december 17th 1874 but died on July 22nd in 1950. Mackenzie King was mild mannered and had nothing to his personality but he was still elected becuase the Canadians needed his ideas and thoughts. for example, his famous five cent speech. This was a major point in history.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion act was an act where it banned all chinese people except for foreign students, merchants and or diplomats from entering Canada. This act of exclusion did not apply to Chinese from China and or Chinese with British nationality.
  • RCAF (The Royal Canadian Air Force).

    RCAF (The Royal Canadian Air Force).
    On this day, THe RCAF ( Royal Canadian Air Force) was established. The Rcaf was given tasks such as anti smuggling patrols, forest fire watches, aerial forest spraying, mail delivery and mercy flights. By the end of the 1930s the RCAF was not a major military force. This was mainly because RCAF was not trained and no training in the military operations.
  • The Persons Case

    The Persons Case
    This was a major event for women in 1929, this was when most women went to trial to demand their right to vote. Back then, women and women under 21 were not considered as ''persons''. Becasue of this, the group of 5 was established. The group of 5 was a group of 5 canadian women who in 1927 went to court and stood up for their rights. They asked if the word ''persons'' refers to only female persons. As a result of this, it led to women later on having the right to vote.
  • The Stock Market Crash (Black Tuesday)

    The Stock Market Crash  (Black Tuesday)
    October 29th of 1929 was the official day for the Major and horrific Stock Market Crash. Most peopel refer to The Stock Market Crash as Black Tuesday. This was a devastating and memorable event because all stocks lost 13% of all their value. This Date is basically known as the beginning of the Great Depression because people lost tons of money and were in debt because they spent all of their money on stocks. It became so bad that not even the banks had any money to lend out for people.
  • Prime Minister R.B Bennett.

    Prime Minister R.B Bennett.
    PrimeMinister R.B Bennett served as a prime minster from August 7th 1930 - October 23rd 1935. He served for 5 years. He was also served as the 11th prime minister of Canada, during the time of Great Depression. After his defeat of being prime minister he moved to England and was elevated to the peerage of Viscount Bennett. After a while he died at the age of 76 on June 26th 1947.
  • The Five Cent Speech

    The Five Cent Speech
    What was the Five Scent Speech? Well, in the beginning of the Great Depression William Mackenzie King made a speech about how the social welfare that was happening was due to the responsibilites of the provinces and so he would not give ``a five cent piece`` to any province that did not have a liberal government, but what does he mean by five cent piece?. King, meant that he would not provide relief to any province because he felt as though the provinces were responsible for their own welfare.
  • The Statute of The Westminster.

    The Statute of The Westminster.
    This statute is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. it is of historical importance because it marked the effective legislative independance countries. It serves a purpose now and that purpose is, that it sets the basis for the conituing relationship between the commonwealth realms and "the crown".
  • Foster Hewitt & Hockey Night in Canada

    Foster Hewitt & Hockey Night in Canada
    `` TO THE LEFT, TO THE RIGHT, HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES!!.`` Foster Hewitt, the man who was heard over the radio everytime a hockey game was in play. He was born in 1902 on November 2nd and died on April 21st,1985. One of the oldest sports broadcastings was National Hockey Night, which was produced by CBC sports in the 1950s.
  • CBC- Canadian Broadcasting Company

    CBC- Canadian Broadcasting Company
    For some more information on CBC click here.What is CBC ? CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company is one of the largest broadcasting organizations and was created in 1936. After many years of listening to the radio it was about time television needed to be carried out. There was only one problem,by the late 20`s radio listeners were turning their radios and listening to American stations. This then led to the government to establish a royal commision to advise the future to allow broadcasting in Canada aswell. And in 1932 the CRBC was created
  • The New Deal

     The New Deal
    The New Deal. Back in 1933, the president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt made a plan to help people and the economy recover from the disaster of the Great Depression. The consequences and after affect of the Great Depression left people in shock and in poverty becuase of the stock market crash and loss of jobs (unemployed). This Plan was to open job oppurtunities for those in deperate need. Unfortanutley his plan did not work out but during the time people were in depereate hope.
  • On to Ottawa Trek.

    On to Ottawa Trek.
    In April, 1935 1,500 men left their relief camps in British Columbia to go on a strike because of the bad living and working conditions. During this decision Mayor Mcgeer told all of the men to either come back to the relief camps and to help finance and make a delegation to send to Ottawa to discuss their plans and opinions, but the men said no. On June 3rd more than 1,000 men decided to go to Ottawa to present their opinions. (hoping to create awareness of their cause). And their Journey began