During the year 1918 of March, the provincial government passed a law which prohibited the production, importing, and the transportation of any other intoxicating beverages across the country. This law was made since the grain used to make alcohol should be used to make food for civilians of Canada rather than making this problematic beverage. Since having the law passed, crime rates dropped, and arrests for drunkenness decreased dramatically. -
Period: to
Canadian history 1918 - 1939
Spanish Flu
After the war the Canadian troops had fought in, many came back home sick. Due to the harsh and filthy conditions the soldiers sustained, they were struck with the Spanish Flu that was brought back on March 11, 1918. It spread across the entire country and in the end, more than 50 000 people died. As a result of this, all public places such as schools, churches, theatres and many health clinics opened aiding many severely ill or dying Canadians. -
Winnipeg General Strike
In May 1, 1919, Canadians in Winnipeg demanded that the government improve the working and living conditions of their lives. They demanded that there were decent wages, an eight hour work day, and the right to bargain collectively for better working conditions. During the strike, 30 000 people protested and almost all store and factories closed. As the strike dragged on, many did not have strike and many decided to go back to work. Eventually, on June 17, 1919, the strike leaders were arrested -
Group of Seven
In the year 1920, the Group of Seven was formed. Members included the following: Franklin Carmichael, Lawren Harris, A. Y. Jackson, Franz Johnston, Arthur Lismer, J. E. H. MacDonald, and Frederick Varley. They were landscape artists who were greatly influenced by European Impressionism. Soon after, the Group of Seven had their first exhibition. At that time, landscape art was not appreciated but in the next decade, he was able to prove them wrong and was eventually known as the pioneers to new -
On November 14, 1921, Frederick Banting and Charles Best made the discovery of insulin which was a cure to lower sugar levels in the body. This took place at the University of Toronto where both these medical figures made this discovery. Diabetes is a disorder where there is an inability to produce protein which are used to help break down substances; especially sugar. Due to the lack of protein, sugar cannot be broken down and there is a high concentration in the blood and urine. Because of th -
Prime Minister: Mackenzie King
On December 29, 1921, William Lyon Mackenzie King became the 10th prime minister of Canada. He was elected because of a few qualities that had attracted many voters. He was a cautious and careful, extremely shrewd and his goal was to "Help those that cannot help themselves" -
Foster Hewitt & Hockey Night in Canada
In March of 1923, Foster Hewitt was assigned to broadcast the first radio show of a hockey game. It was during that game where he used his soon famous quote. “He shoots, he scores.” Were the four words that most listeners would know him for; that famous phrase. This took place at a radio station in Toronto known as CBC. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
On July 1, 1923, Canada passed a law that Asian people were prohibited to immigrate to Canada. The law was passed down by the government of Canada because of racial discrimination towards Asian people. During this time until 1947, only eight people were admitted into Canada under special circumstances. -
Person’s Case
On October 18, 1929, women in Canada were now treated equally as men. After a political battle of classifying weather if women were considered a “person” the five women who went to court at Council in England, Canada's highest court, who believed that women were just as equal and capable of doing things males could do and should be treated equally. -
Black Tuesday
On October 30, 1929, the stock market crashed. Many Canadians thought they could get rich easily by buying stocks in the stock market. Many thought all they had to do was to buy stocks for a low price and sell them back for a high price; but however, the stocks they initailly bought for the "low" price crashed and was no longer worth that price and as a result many people lost their jobs and as many as one in five Canadians did not have a job. -
Five Cent Speech
On July of 1930, William Lyon Mackenzie King, prime minister of Canada at the time made a speech where he felt it was not under his obligation to be responsible for the province's welfare and said he wouldnt give even a nickel to those who have lost their jobs or were asking for relief payments. -
Prime Minister: R.B. Bennett
On August 7, 1930, R.B. Bennett became the 11th prime minister of Canada after winning the election of 1930. R.B. Bennett had replaced William Lyon Mackenzie due to multiple reasons. King had made the biggest political mistake of his years governing Canada. He believed that social welfare was the responsibility of the provinces which many did not believe. He had also said that he would not give a “five-cent piece” to any province that did not have a liberal government. These words made many Cana -
New Deal
On Janurary 2, 1935, Prime Minister R.B. Bennett made a promise that there would be a more progressive tax system,a maximum work week, a minimum wage, closer regulation of working conditions, for Canadians to ensure standard living among Canadians -
On to Ottawa Trek
In June 1, 1935, thousands of men boarded trains headed for Ottawa where they would protest that the relief camps the men were placed in were unjust. Single, unemployed men had to go to one of these camps to work being paid as much money as a slave labour most considered of 20 cents a day. Many of the men were stopped for disobeying the law and many people were injured or killed. -
SS. St. Louis
In June of 1939, an ocean liner by the name of St.Louis arrived at the east coast of Canada holding 907 jewish people. These people had already been denied entry to Latin American countries and were seeking refugee from their home countries.The Canadian government believed that they wouldnt make good settlers for Canada. Many famous Canadians urged the government to allow these jewish people into Canada but Prime minister King denied all of them and eventually were sent to concentration camps.