Timeline of 90-day Probation Legisation (New Zealand)

  • Employment Relations (Probationary Employment) Amendment Bill Introduced

    Employment Relations (Probationary Employment) Amendment Bill Introduced
    Wayne MAPP MP introduces Private Members Bill to Parliament, The Bill amends the Employment Relations Act 2000 in order to introduce a 90-day probation period for new employees.
  • Mapp Bill Defeated

    Mapp Bill Defeated
    Employment Relations (Probationary Employment) Amendment Bill fails to gain support on Second Reading, with Labour, NZ First, Greens, Maori Party and Progressive voting against it. Ayes 53, Noes 67.
  • 2008 Election Held

    2008 Election Held
    National Party, led by John Key, wins election forming 5th National Government of New Zealand gaining support from ACT, The Maori Party, and United Future in coalition.
  • 90-day Probation Legislation Assented

    90-day Probation Legislation Assented
    Employment Relations Amendment Act 2008 is assented after being passed through the House of Representatives under Parliamentary Urgency. New sections 67A and 67B are inserted, providing for employment probationary periods of up to 90-days for firms employing fewer than 20 employees.
  • 90-day Probation Law Implemented

    90-day Probation Law Implemented
    Sections 6 and 7 of the Employment Relations Amendment Act 2008 come into force, implementing the 90-day probationary trial period policy.
  • Extension Announced

    Extension Announced
    Prime Minister John Key announces proposal at National Party Annual Conference to extend current policy from applying to firms with 19 employees or less, to all workplaces in New Zealand regardless of size.
  • Probationary Period Repeal Defeated

    Probationary Period Repeal Defeated
    Employment Relations (Probationary Period Repeal) Amendment Bill 174-1, Private Members Bill of Labour MP Carmel Sepuloni, is defeated in the House on First Reading. The Bill aimed to repeal the 90-day probation period instated through the Employment Relations Amendment Act 2008
  • Employment Relations Amendment Bill (No 2) introduced to Parliament

    Employment Relations Amendment Bill (No 2) introduced to Parliament
    Labour Minister Kate Wilkinson introduces Employment Relations Amendment Bill (No 2) to Parliament, confirming National's intentions to extend the 90-day probation period to all work places in New Zealand.