Airplane l


  • Oct 13, 1488

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci drew a famous drawing of a flight machine. It was made of different things including a light hang glider and a machine resembling a helicopter. Leonardo's machines was built and tested according to his drawings. Some of those designs were a success, while others were not as successful.
  • Period: to


  • Montgolfier brothers

    This was in France. At this time they made the first hot air ballon in the world. Montgolfier brothers created the hot air ballon and Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier and François Laurent d'Arlandes went in it and flew. Right now, hot air ballons have to shaped to almost everything. It is very popular.
  • The Flying Sausage

    This was in Canada. The Flying Sausage was a B-1 bomber. It was a failure because it crashed many times and caused death and lots of money.
  • Black Brant Rocket

    The Black Brant Rocket is a sounding rocket. It is commanly used by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency. It has been used many times in the year 1959, so there is no real date.
  • Alouette 1

    This was in Canada.Alouette 1 was the first satellite send from Canada, and the first satellite constructed by a country other than the USA or USSR. Alouette I came from the French "skylark" and from the title of a popular French-Canadian folk song,
  • Apollo 11

    This was an Americain space ship. ON this day Niel Armstrong, landed on the moon. When he steped on the moon there was a famous quote. It was "That's a small step for a man, but a big leap for mankind.
  • Anik 1

    This thing was a satellite launched by a Delta1914 rocket. It was Canadian. It came back on July 15, 1982.
  • CF-18 Hornet

    This was a Canadian aircraft built for war. There are currently about 138. It costed 35 million to make one fighter. The first war it was in was in the Korean War. They also secured the 2010 olympics for terriosts.
  • Space Shuttle Discovery

    The space ship belonged to NASA (USA). IT has been on 38 trips. The first one was on August 30th 1984. The last one was on April 5th 2010. There is another coming on November 1st 2010.
  • Hovercraft

    I think the hovercraft will float over the city carrying people and transporting them. I think it will also be switched for buses. But the only problem is they have to be small to fit on roads.
  • Jetpack

    I think the jetpack would fly around. I also think it would take very long to make because of the boost from the jet will kill the human.
  • Light speed space shuttle

    I think that some day near or far we would make a light speed space shuttle. I think that it would take us to different solar systems and find resorces from planets that are like Earth.