Tehran Rescue Mission or Operation Eagle Claw
Was an Amercian Armed Forces operation that president Jimmy Carter ordered in an attemmpt to end the Hostage Crisis by rescuing 52 diplomats held captive at the embassy of the United States in Yehran Iran on 24 April 1980. The operation failed but it helped the U.S to be more smarter and develop their operation tactics. -
Establishment of CNN
The 1st of June, 1980 an American businessman and media mogul Ted Turner founded the CNN cable news network, the first 24 hours news network. this was an important event because it was the first news network to work 24 hours and gave Americans the opportunity of knowing what happens everyday almost annywhere. -
President Reagan Assesination Attempt
John Hinckley makes an attempt to assesinate the U.S president Ronald Reagan. As president Reagan was coming out of the Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C, Hinckley shot a .22 caliber Rohm R.G-14 in an attempt to kill the president and impress a teen actress. -
The Space Shuttle Columbia is launched.
In April 12, 1981 the NASA launches the first Space Shuttle to space. This of course is an important even since it resembles the growth or the development of smart techollogy in the U.S. Columbia did a total of 27 flights wich means that it served as a a tool of knowledge to the NASA.