
Interwar Years

  • Prohibition

    During WW1 every provincial government expect Quebec banned the sale of liquor. Prohibition was introduced in 1918 by the federal government that banned the production, import, and transportation of liquor across the country. After this rule was made, it created a new kind of crime. People kept buying "bootleg booze". When they were caught they had to deal with many consequences.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    It was a flu that spread after the soldiers fought in the world war. The soldiers carried this virus from overseas. This flu ravaged countries arouund the world. People that were weakned from this virus often got pneumonia. Lots of people died from this virus. To stop the spread they closed schools, churches, and theatres. 50,000 Canadians died from this flu and it was only 10,000 fewer then the amount died in the war.
  • Period: to

    Interwar Years

  • League of Indians

    League of Indians
    During the 1920s and 1930s Aboriginal people began to form organizations to fight for rights. In 1919 Frederick Loft, a veteran from WW1 organized the League of Indians. This league was the first to attempt at a united voice for Aboriginal nations. They would have the right to vote if only they gave up there Aboriginal status. Many Aboriginal people refused to do this and Loft beleived that they didn't need to give up there status in order to vote.
  • Group of Seven

    Group of Seven
    They were Canadian artists and were influenced by the impressionists. They were determined to create art that dealt with Canadian experience. There inspriation was from the Canadian landscape. There first exhibition of paintings was held on May 1920 at the Art Gallery of Ontario. The pictures protrayed Canada as a land of spectacular open spaces, rivers, lakes, and forests.
  • Prime Minister: Mackenzie King

    Prime Minister: Mackenzie King
    He was the 10th prime minister of Canada, and was representing the Liberal party of Canada. He was the prime minister from September 29, 1921 to June 28, 1926. He then lost a election to Robert Bennett, but was prime minister again on the same year. Being a workaholic, he lacked charisma, human relations, and close personal friends, King died on July 22, 1950 from pneumonia.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    It was a Act that banned all Chinese people expect students, merchants, and diplomats from entering Canada. From 1923 until the Act was repealed in 1947, only eight chinese people were amitted to Canada.To chinese people July 1st 1923 was known as "Humiliation Day".
  • Foster Hewitt & Hockey Night in Canada

    Foster Hewitt & Hockey Night in Canada
    NHL was one of the most watched sports in Canada at this time and there were people across Canada that tuned into Hockey Night in Canada. Foster Hewitt was the guy the boradcasted this tune and was the broadcaster for 40 years giving play by play. But by 1939, only 2 Canadian teams were left. NHL had became centred in the U.S.A, even though most players were still Canadian.
  • Pension Act

    Pension Act
    Opponents of this scheme beleived that the people over 70 years of age, could make little effort to provide for themselves. By this act people over 70 were entitled to a pension of $240 a year. Pesioners must have lived in Canada for at least 20 years. People who earned $365 income per year couldn't have a pension. Women could have a pension only if they were widows. Aboriginal people were not allowed a pension.
  • Persons Case

    Persons Case
    It was a case that underlined the inequality women still faced. In 1916 the first women named Emily Murphy was a judge in the British Empire and she was appointed to an Alberta court. A lawyer that was a man in the courtroom challenged Emily that no women was a "person" in the eyes of the law. Everyone else in the courtroom supproted her and every women had the right to be a judge. Over the next couple of years 4 other women joined Emily and asked if the law considered them as a "person".
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The day that the stock market crashed and was one of the most dramatic events signalling the Depression. In this time period people played the stock market. Everyone dreamed of geting rich. They got rich by buying things when they are at a low price then selling it when it becomes a higher value. It sounded easy but there was lots of knowledge to it. Many people who invested the stock market lost everything in the crash.
  • Prime Minister: R.B. Bennett

    Prime Minister:  R.B. Bennett
    He defeated the previous Prime Minister Mackenzie King in the federal election of 1930. He had many things to fix such as the Great Depression. He tried to increase trade with the British Empire. But his success of fixing this was very limited. His own wealth and impersonal style alienated many struggling Canadians.
  • Five Cent Speech

    Five Cent Speech
    This speech was made by the King. Everyone in the election of 1930 didn't forget about this speech. This speech was about not giving a "five cent piece" to any province that did not have a Liberal government. The Liberals were voted out of office and the Conservative party came into power. Prime Minister Benett took over and he accused King of ignoring the plight of the unemployed and the problems caused by the stock market crash.
  • On to Ottawa Trek

    On to Ottawa Trek
    It started with men being fed up in the British Columbia relief camps. The had a protest against the government. As they moved eastward more men got involed. They wanted clear economic reforms such as minimun wages and a genuie system of social nad unemployment insurance. They were stopped by a mounted police. The prime minister clamied that these men were not obeying the laws. In the end a riot broke out and many people got injured and one policemen was killed.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    This was a program that was made by Benett. People called it the new deal. This program was similar to the one intoduced in the United States by President Roosevelt. His idea was to use all the government resources to ge tthe economy going. Large-scale federal public work projects such as road building were funded to provide jobs. The new deal was just a way for Benett to plot to win votes in the upcoming election. But the plan did not work and he wasn't Prime minister of Canada anymore.
  • CBC- Canadian Broadcasting Company

    CBC- Canadian Broadcasting Company
    This CBC was created in 1936. The CBC covered the royal tour to Canada by the new king, George VI, and Queen Elizabeth. Its first visit of a reigning monarch to Canada was carried by radio to even the most remote areas. The CBC was proving that it could be a powerful force in establishing a sense of national unity across Canada.