Period: 206 to 302
Little Peace of the Church
This period of time was important as emperors were too busy to worry about church issues. It allowed for Christianity to spread and gain ground across the empire. -
Period: 300 to 400
The Holy Man Movement
Men in Syria and Egypt who chose to be anti-culture. They became a religious nomand who was seen as a connecting point to a unseen God. He was known in communities as a patron, intercessor, living bible, curser, and advisor. -
The Great Persecution Begins
Diocletion makes Christians outcasts in society. -
Silvanus becomes bishop of Cirta
Alliances were created with Silvanus that brought about the begining of Donatism -
Period: 305 to 306
Constantius Rules Empire
Period: 306 to 337
Constantine Rules Empire
Battle of Milvian Bridge
In a decisive battle, Constantine wins over his enemy, Maxentius. Constantine believes this was all on account of God. -
Constantine's Conversion
In a vision Constantine sees in a dream the cross of Christ on the shields of his soldiers. Takes this as God's command to win the battle. Accounts say this was his conversion experience. -
Edict of Milan
This Edict signed by Constantine granted tollerance to all religions. It was a starting point for the rise of Christianity. -
Lateran Council
Decided against Donatists -
Synod of Arles
Decided against Donatists -
Council of Nicaea Begins
Constantine took an active role in this council. Some say he was responsible for the outcome. In the end it decided not only how to understand Jesus as the son of God, but also placed decision making for the church into the hands of the Emperor. -
Constantinople Dedicated
Constantinople was created to be a New Rome on the frontier of the Roman world. It was Constantine's pride an joy and eventual resting place. -
Death of Constantine
Period: 337 to 361
Constantius II Rules the Empire
A time of conflict for the Church. Constantius II overturned the decision at Nicaea and declared Aruis to be more philosopically right. Athanasius was exiled five times. -
Period: 340 to 401
The Great Persian Persecution
Brought on by Constantine's conversian to Christianity and push into Persian territory, Christians were not tollerated by the Persian Empire. -
Period: 350 to 450
The Great Ecclesiastical Rulers
During this period of histroy, much of the Roman world is governened by its powerful bishops who define what Christianity will look like in the empire. They included, Ambrose of Milan (374-397) Basil at Caesarea (370-379) John of Chrysostom at Antioch and Constantinople (398-409) and Augustine of Hippo (395-430). -
Death of Anthony
Anthony, the hermit dies and becomes the father of monks. Lived to be 105 and spent some seventy years in the desert. -
Period: 361 to 363
Julian Rules the Empire
Julian was known as the Apostate. He flaunted the long beard of the Greek philosopher and promoted the return of Hellenistic culture. -
Visogoths Attack Rome
For the first time since the rise of the Roman Empire, Rome is attacked and invaded. -
City of God
Augustine begins work on his book, The City of God. He wrote it to explain Christianity's viewpoints in contrast to surrounding religions. It included his work on the Trinity and urged men to look to heaven instead of to politics. -
Pelagian Heresy is chased out of Rome
Council of Ephesus
This ecumenical council decided upon the doctrine of Theotokos, the Blessed Virgin. It condemned the teachings of Nestorius. -
Council of Chalcedon
Decided on the Eutychian controversy and established an understanding of the human and divine natures of Christ. -
Period: 527 to 565
Justinian Rule's Byzantine Empire
Period: 530 to
The "Good Days" of Byzantium
This was a time of great success for Byzantium. Territory was reconquered and peace was acheived with Persia. It was a time of Roman Renewal. -
Nika Riot
Angered by Justinian's ministers, the people and Senate of Constantinople united against its ruler. Half the city was burned. Led by Bleisarius the imperial troops enter the Hyppodrome and kill about 30,000 rioters. -
Period: 532 to 540
Eternal Peace
Agreement between Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Persia for peace. Only lasted 8 years. -
Africa Re-conquered
Through Justinian, the empire began to re-conquer lost territory. In 533, his general Belisarius helped to accomplish this feat in Africa. The coin pictured was made to commemorate his victories. -
The Justinian Code or Corpus Juris
Built upon the codes of Theodosius, Justinian again compiled all the Roman law in this work. -
Period: 540 to
The "Bad Days" of Byzantium
This was a time of political turmoil for the Empire. The plague made its appearance durring this time. Persia broke off its truce, and Slavs from the north invaded. It was a time of Roman survival. -
Period: 541 to 543
The Plague
These few years were one of the worst outbreaks of the Plague in Constantinople. It is estimated that over 10,000 people died from it in these years. Justinian himself fell subject to the disease. -
Spain reconcquered by Byzantium
Justinian's Death
Pictured here is a mosaic of Justinian and his prise accomplisment, the Hagia Sophia. -
Period: Jan 1, 602 to
The Wars between Sassanid Empire and Byzantium
During this time, Khusro the II made great advances to overtake the Byzantine Empire. -
Period: Jan 1, 610 to Dec 31, 632
The Rise of Islam
During this period of time, Muhammad comes onto the scene. He begins the labor intensive process of unifying the nomadic culture of Islam. -
Period: Oct 5, 610 to Feb 11, 641
Heraclius rules Byzantine Empire
Jan 1, 613
Fall of Antioch to Persia
Jan 1, 614
Jerusalem Falls to Persia
Jan 1, 630
Muhammad Triumphs at Mecca
He had risen in popularity and after his return to Mecca made transformations in commercial practice and began to issue in a religious empire. The unification of Arabia had begun. Pictured here is a painting of Muhammad receiving a city, likely Mecca, from an angel. -
Jan 1, 636
Byzantines fall to Islam
Jan 1, 637
Antioch Falls to Islam
Jan 1, 637
Sassanid State falls to Islam
Jan 1, 642
Alexandria Falls to Islam
Jan 1, 711
Islam Reaches Europe
By 711 Islam had made its way across Africa, over the Mediterranean Sea and into the provinces of France. -
Period: Mar 25, 717 to Jun 18, 741
Initiation of Iconoclastic Movement
During the rule of Leo III, the movement attempting to rid the church of idol like worship of pictures. -
Period: Jan 1, 741 to Dec 31, 755
Constantine V Rules Empire
Icons return due to miltary approval. -
Period: Jan 1, 775 to
Leo IV Rules Empire
Anthony beings new life!
Anthony, a young man in Egypt began to live the life of a hermit. He removed himself from culture and went further and further into the desert. -
Ostrogoths Driven from Rome
This was part of Justinians success. Thier removal from Rome forced peace between the Roman Empire and the Ostrogoths. Pictured here is Justinian with his trusted advisors. -
Egypt Falls to Persia
The "Robber's Synod"
Otherwise known as the Second Council of Ephesus. Was not accepted as eccumenical because of the controversial proceedings. They discussed Nestorianism, Monophysitism, Christology. Pictured is an icon depicting this council. -
Triumph of Orthodoxy
Icons are restored to the church in Constantinople. This is a major dividing point between the East and West churches. Pictured is an icon depicting this event. -
Second Council of Nicea
Icons are declared ok in the tradition of the Church. Pictured here is a depiction of that council. -
Carhage Falls to Islam
Massacre at Thessalonica
To curb the rebellion in Thessalonica, Theodosius sends his army to retalliate. The result was the mass murder of 7000. Pictured here is a depiction of Theodosius attempting to enter the church. Ambrose would not allow him due to his sin. -
Codex Theodosianus [The Theodosian Code]
This document gathered all the Roman laws from Constantine till Theodosius. The code discusses political, socioeconomic, cultural and religious subjects of the fourth and fifth century in the Roman Empire. -
Period: to 305
Diocletian Rules Empire
Period: to
Anastasius Rules Byzantine Empire
Period: to
Theodosius I Rules Empire
Period: to Nov 27, 602
Maurice Rules the Byzantine Empire
Period: to
Leo V rules Empire
Durring his rule a second round of iconoclasm occurs. -
Period: to 450
Theodosius II Rules Empire