
Bronwyn Pike's Career as a Labour MP

  • Bronwyn Pike elected to the seat of Melbourne

    Bronwyn Pike wins the seat of Melbourne at the 1999 State Election with 63.8% of the two-party vote. Her portfolios upon entering the Cabinet included Housing, Aged Care, Community Services, Health and Minister assisting the Premiere on Community Building
  • Bronwyn Pike is appointed Minister for Health

    Following the re-election of the State Labour Government in 2002, Bronwyn Pike becomes the Minister for Health
  • Bronwyn Pike becomes the longest serving female minister in Victoria

  • Bronwyn Pike becomes Minister for Education

    After the third victory by Labour in the State Government in 2006, Bronwyn Pike continues her role as Minister for Health before being appointed as Minister for Education in 2007.
  • Victorian State Election where Bronwyn Pike is tipped to lose Melbourne Seat

    Bronwyn Pike is tipped to lose her seat of Melbourne in the upcoming Victorian State Election to Greens candidate Brian Walters