8 Major WW1 Events For Great Britain

By nickjjj
  • Assasination Of Franz Ferdinand

    Franz gets shot in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Gavrilo Princip, who is backed up by ¨The Black Hand¨ a Siberian terrorist group.
  • Great Britain Declares War On Germany

    Great Britain declares war on Germany, then the war starts expanding all over Europe.
  • Gas Is Used For The First Time In WW1

    Gas is used for the first time and there are more than 7,000 deaths among the British, Canadian and French.
  • Conscription In Britain

    Single men ages 18-45 are eligible to be enlisted in the war.
  • The Battle Of The Somme

    The Battle Of The Somme had 20,000 British deaths on the first day, and over 500,000 on each side by the end of the war.
  • America Enters In The War

    The United States of America joins WW1.
  • The Revolution In Russia

    Russia leaves the war, and the Bolsheviks seize power under the slogan, ¨Peace, bread, land.¨
  • Armistice

    The Armistice is signed bringing the war on the Western front to an end.