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8.1 French Revolution Timeline

  • France Falls Into Debt

    France Falls Into Debt
    Image SourceDuring this part of history, France was under the rule of King Louis XVI. He and his wife had extravagent budgets. This eventually put France into debt. I think that this is an important part of the French Revolution because it was one of the reasons why the revolution happened.
  • Meeting of the Estate Generals

    Meeting of the Estate Generals
    Image SourceDuring this part of history, King Louis was spening all of France's money. After he began taxing the nobility, the second estate made him call a meeting of the estate generals. This was the first meeting in over a hundred years with all of the estate-generals. I think that this is an important part of the French Revolution, because it was the first sign that a change was imminent.
  • National Assembly is Formed

    National Assembly is Formed
    Image SourceDuring this part of history, the common people of France were beginning to rebel. They did this by essentially creating their own legislative government, called the National Assembly. The national assembly was second only to the king himself. I think that this is an important part of the French Revolution because it was the first deliberate act of rebellion against France.
  • French Citizens Storm the Bastille

    French Citizens Storm the Bastille
    Image SourceRumors were spreading through Paris. The Citizens thought that the King was going to shut down the national assembly with force. As a result, the citizens began stocking up on weapons and raided the Bastille to steal some. I think this is an important part of the French Revolution because it was the first aggressive form of rebellion against France.
  • The Old Regime "Dies"

    The Old Regime "Dies"
    [Image Source]( national assembly began making speeches.Noblemen joined the national assembly, and the rights of the first and second estate were swept away. I think that this is an important part of the French Revolution because it marked the end of the old, and the begining of the new.
  • French Women Storm Versailles

    French Women Storm Versailles
    [Image Source]( stormed the palace where the king and queen were staying. They demanded that the national assembly lower the price of bread, and also that the king and queen return to Paris. After a while they agree. I think that this is an important part of the French revolution because it was the first act of rebellion that was directed, directly at the king.
  • King Louis Tries to Escape

    King Louis Tries to Escape
    [Image Source]( king tried to escape from France to the Austrian Netherlands. He thought that it was unsafe to live as monarch in France. His advisors also advised that it would be best to leave the country. I think that this is an important part of the French revolution because it shows just how powerful the people were becoming.
  • New French Constitution is Drafted

    New French Constitution is Drafted
    [Image Source]( is the point where the revolution began to pay off. The new constitution made France a limited monarchy. This showed significant improvement from the last absolute monarchy. I think that this is an important part of the French revolution because it shows that the people could succeed at almost anything.
  • Legislative Assembly is Formed and Declares War

    Legislative Assembly is Formed and Declares War
    [Image Source]( legislative assembly was a more organized version of the national assembly. Other countries wanted Louis restored as absolute monarch of France. They responded by declaring war. I think this is an important part of the French revolution because it shows that people were in charge now, and the old system was gone forever.
  • France Becomes a Republic

    France Becomes a Republic
    [Image Source]( signifies the end of the revolution. The old constitution was completly thrown out. In the new constitution France was a republic, and male citizens had the right to vote. I think this is an important part of the revolution because it marks the definitive end of the old government, and also the end of the revolution.