
  • 100

    Pax Romana

    0-200 CE
    Pax Romana literally means Roman Piece. It
    It created prosperity and stability by increasing trade.
  • 100

    Destruction of the second temple of Jerusalem

    70 AD
    The Romans conquered the city of Jerusalem, occupied by the jewish, and destroyed the Second Temple.
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    2 BCE- 33 CE
    Central figure of christianity
  • 100

    St. Paul

    5-67 CE
    A christian missionary who preached the gospel of Christ
  • 100

    Buddhism in China

    First Century CE
    Buddhism reached china through the great silk road from India
  • 206

    Han Dynasty

    206 BCE- 220 CE
    succeded the Qin dynasty and is considered the golden age of China
  • 250

    Theravada Doctrine Codified

    250 BCE
    states that only a monk may reach Nirvana
  • 300

    Gupta Dynasty

    300-500 CE
    Indian state based empire with a capital in the ganges valley. It controled most of the indian subcontinent
  • 313

    the Edict of Milan

    313 CE
    The Edict of Milan was a law passed by Constantine of Rome that stated that Christians could not be persecuted any more
  • 324

    Constantinople becomes the capital of Rome

    324 CE
    Roman leader, Constantine moved the Roman capital to Byzantinium and renamed it Constantinople
  • 336

    Alexander the Great

    Became the king of Macedon at age 16
  • 434

    Attila the Hun CE

    was the leader of the Hunnic Empire which spanned from the Ural River to the Rhine river, and fron the Danube River to the Baltic Sea until 453
  • 441

    Height of Greek City-States

    441-476 BCE
    Greece banded together to form strong trading centers
  • 470


    470-399 BCE
    Athenian philosopher who drew emphasis of philosophical investigation from questions of natural science to that of ethics and human behavior.
  • 527


    527-565 CE
    A byzantine emperor who ordered the building of the Hagia Sophia in constantinople, the greatest byzantine architectural creation.
  • 551

    Confucius BCE

    551-479 BCE
    A chinese philosopher that created confucianism, a way of life that revolves around family and elders.
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    Siddhartha Guatama

    563-483 BCE
    An Indian prince who gives up his wealth and social status and finds enlightenment and creates buddhism. He is the first Buddha.
  • Oct 4, 1041

    Invention of Printing

    1041-1048 BCE
    invented in Han empire by Bi Sheng
  • Oct 4, 1045

    Zhou dynasty

    1045-221 BCE
    The Zhou dynasty followed the Shang dynasty. The Mandate of Heaven was created in this period.
  • Oct 4, 1200

    Hittites developed iron metallurgy

    1200 BCE
    Hittites developed iron and used it to dominate militarily and economically.
  • Bantu Migrations reach South Africa BCE

    1700-1800 BCE the bantu migrations reached south africa spreading iron smelting and farming techniques
  • Shang Dynasty

    1750-1040 BCE
    The first Chinese Dynasty that we have found written records from
  • BabylonianEmpire1800 BCE-600 CE

    The Babylonian Empire was the first civilization with written laws
  • Phoenicians

    800-480 BCE
    Phoenicians visited visited Greece in ships from the Aegan Sea. This inspired the Greeks to search the Aegan for resources. they also had an influence in the Greek written language.
  • Gunpowder was developed

    800 CE
    It was developed in China and was one of their four great inventions
  • Sack of Rome

    390 BCE
    The Gallics defeated Rome by the Allia river and opened up a route to Rome
  • Height of Harrapan Society

    2500-2000 BCE
    It fell because of the migration of the Aryan people
  • Height of egyptian civilization

    2686-2181 BCE
    They had many advancements in architecture, art and technology. They built the Giza pyramids
  • Bronze in Mesopotamia

    around 3200 BCE
    Bronze was stronger than the other materials of the time and gave them an advantage in war and agriculture
  • Cuneiform writing begins

    3300 BCE
    cuneiform writing is the first written language and consists of wedge-shaped impressions on clay tablets