8,000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.

  • 100

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana was a period of stability and prosperity under Roman rule in the first and second centuries CE.
  • 100

    Buddhism in China

    Buddhism in China
    Buddhism arrived in China on the Silk Road sometime during the first century CE.
  • 202

    Han Dynasty

    The Han Dynasty created the achinery and ideology of imperial government that was used for 2 million years. The Han Dynasty reigned from 202 BCE -220 CE.
  • 250

    Theravada Doctorine Codified

    The earlier of the two great schools of Buddhism in 250 BCE.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan ended persecution of Christians and guaranteed freedom to worship any religion. Thi happened in 313 CE.
  • 320

    Gupta Dynasty

    Gupta Dynasty
    The Gupta Dynasty controlled most of India by use of military and sophisticated culture and reigned from 320-550 CE.
  • 324

    Roman capital moves to Consantinople

    Roman capital moves to Consantinople
    This move was a reflection of accelerated changes and moved the captial closer to threatening countries.
  • 334

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Conquered Persian Empire, reached Indus valley, founded Greek style cities, and spread Greek culture to Middle East from 334 BCE to 323 BCE
  • 400

    Gunpowder Developed

    Gunpowder Developed
    Gunpowder was developed around the 400-500 CE time period in Europe and was used for fumigation of insects/evil spirits and weapons.
  • 410

    Sack of Rome

    The first time in around 800 years that Rome fell to an enemy. This was in 410 BCE.
  • 434

    Attila the Hun

    Attila the Hun
    Known as "Scrouge of God for his ferocious attacks against Romans. He reigned from 434-453 CE.
  • 470


    Emphasis of philosophical investigation was shifted from natural science questions to ethics and human behavior from 470-399 BCE.
  • 500

    Bantu Migration South

    Bantu Migration South
    The Bantu traditions and practices began reaching South Africa and mixing with local traditions to become Pan-African traditions from 500 BCE to 1000 CE.
  • 527


    Had the Corpus Juris Civilis wrote and had Constantinople's Gagia Sophia Cathedral built. He reigned from 527-565 CE.
  • 551


    Confuucious believed family was fundamental and people needed to do what was necessary to make society function smoothly. He lived from 551-479 BCE.
  • 563

    Siddhartha Guatama

    Siddhartha created the Four Noble Truths, found Enlightenent, and founded Buddhism. He lived from 563 to 483 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Zhou Dynasty

    Mandate of Heaven was beginning to be used and the dynasty was split into territories. This was from 1100 to 256 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 1250


    The Phoenicians were nvaigators and traders of the Meditaranean in 1250 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Printing invented

    Printing invented
    First invented in Europe. The printing press transfers text from wood onto paper using ink. It was invented in 1450 CE.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Hittites develop iron

    Hittites develop iron
    The Hittites heated the metal until it was shapable then pounded it and placed it in cold water to cool. This method was kept secret from other societies at first. It was developed in 1500 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 1570

    HEight of Egyptian Civilization

    HEight of Egyptian Civilization
    A time of population increase and prosperity from 1570 BCE to 1070 BCE.
  • Shang Dynasty

    Earliest written records found of Chinese dynasties. Reigned from 1766 to 1122 BCE.
  • Babylonian Empire

    Babylonian Empire
    The Babylonian Empire lasted from 1900-1600 BCE and was ruled by Hammurabi.
  • St. Paul

    St. Paul was the Father of the early Christian church and Helped spread Christianity starting in 2 BCE.
  • Jesus

    Jesus Christ founded Christianity and was seen as the Son of God. He lived from 6 BCE to 30 CE.
  • Destruction of Second Temple

    Romans destroyed the temple in 70 CE after a Jewish revolt.
  • Height of Greek City-States

    Height of Greek City-States
    An explosion of population due to more intensive use of land from 800-480 BCE.
  • Cuneiform Writing Begins

    Cuneiform Writing Begins
    Meso people began using wedge type symbols as writing.
  • Regular use of Bronze in MEso and Egypt

    Regular use of Bronze in MEso and Egypt
    Bronze was used regularly in 4000 BCE for weapons, tools, and art.