Franklin sets sail for Northwest passage
Set sail with 129 men, none returned -
John Torrington died
John Torrington died January 1, and had aged 20 years -
#1 note left
Period: to
Two notes left on Kind william Island
The notes explained that 24 men had died and there was 125 survivors. -
#2 note left
Three graves found on Beechy Island
The notes franklin had left were found
Puzzling clues turn up on king william island
Dr.Owen Beattie led a team of researchers to Beechy Island
Looking for evidence to confirm a theory -
Beattie and research team set up camp
It took days to hack through the ice that layed on top of John Torringtons coffin -
John Franklins last expedition
HMS Erebus discovered
Prime minister announced the discovering of the HMS Erebus -
Date project was started
Dr.Owen Beattie led a team of researchers to beechy island
Dr.Owen Beattie led a team of researchers to beechy island to prove a theory