Jul 14, 1534
Jasques Cartier discovers Cananda on his First Voyage
Cartier lands on the GASPE PENNINSULA and claims the land for FRANCE.
He actually failed at his true goal, which was to find a faster route to the Orient for trading. He never found this route, went on to take two more voayages along the St. Lawrence River. -
Oct 2, 1535
Cartier travels down the St. Lawrence River
Cartier's Second Voyage led him to Hochelaga (Montreal) and passed through Stadacona (Quebec City). During this voyage many of crew suffered duing the hard winter from scurvy. The iroquois helped his crew by making a spceial cedar tea. This was the start of the allaiance between the French and the Iroquois. -
Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec City
This was the first permanant settlement of any Europeans in what would later become Canada. This earned Champlai the title, Father of New France. -
Fur Trade is established as Source of income for France
Champlain helped to establish the Fur Trade, which would change hands many times. It was based off of Beaver pelts and was often highly regulated. France valued the fursa and they became a very valuable item to trade within it's colonies. -
Jesuits Come to Quebec City
The leading religious order that was sent to New France to convert Huron to Christianity. The plan backfired when the Jesuits accidently gave many Huron small pox, killing hundreds. This disease weakened them and made it easy for the Iroquois to attack and kill them. In 40 years, the Huron were wiped out. -
New France establishes the Seigneurial System
This farming system was designed to help make New France a major food producer for France. It was established by Cardinal Richelieau. Lnads were arranged in long narrow strips to allow for the most access to water. Habitants would fam and a Seigneur would over see a collection of land. The intendant would over see all of the food production. -
Coureurs de Bois travel and expand Fur Trade for New France
These men were illegal traders who went into the wilderness and did their own trading outside of the Legalized Fur trade. -
New France becomes a Royal Provence of France
King Louis XIV wanted to make New Fance more secure by making it a royal province of France. The Soverign Council was now in charge of all of New France. -
Jean Talon becomes first Indendant of New France
Jean Talon is named the Indendant of New France (the person who enforces the laws) as the government of New France is restructured to look like the one in France. -
Filles du Roi come to New France
The Fille du Roi were important to the growth of New France. There were not enoigh women in New France, to help that women would be sent to New France with free passage and money. -
Hudson Bay Company is established
The Hudson Bay Company was established on this date. It began as a fur trading company, but as time went on and the demand for Beaver fur declined the company began to import and sell other goods.The company orginally owned much of Rupert's Land. -
Count Frontenac becomes first Govenor of New Fance
Frontenac was the most well known and important Govenor in New France. His job was to make sure the King of France's orders were followed in New France. He appointed members to the Soverign Council. -
Expulsion of the Acadians
Acadia was France's Second Colony after New France. The British, who had settlemts just south of Acadia, were worried the French would try to attack through Acadia. The British attacked and took Acadia over, trying to make the Acadiand take an OATH OF ALLIGENCE. Anyone who did not take this oath had to leave. -
Seven Year war starts
France and England are engaged in war over who can become the top european power. Quebec gets pulled into the war because Britian is losing in Europe and decides to attack Frencg Colonies. After they fight their way through Louisbourg, they travel down the St. Lawrence river and plan their attack on Quebce City. -
Battle of the Plains of Abraham
English General, General Wolfe bravely marched his troops up th North Banks to the Plains of Abraham, making the French Troops come to him. The battle only lasted 15 minutes, but the result was the English won the way and took over New France. -
Seven Year War ends
The war ends for Quebec on the Plains of Abraham with a British victory over New France. -
Royal Proclaimation
The Royal Procalimation was designed to help the British rule over the French and to make peace with the first nations. after the war ended. The main points were:
- More land for First Nations
- French civil law replaced by English civil law ( no more feench language or catholic religion) -
Quebec Act
British want there to be more of a balance in how they rule their new French Colony. The Quebec Act restores French Civil law and takes the land given to the First nations and gives it back to the french colonists, expaning Quebec. Thge French colonist can also self govern and elect council memebers.This Act however, makes those living in the 13 colonies even more frustrated with British rule. -
American Declaration of Independance
The British colonists living in the 13 colonies finally have enough of British rule and declare themselves independnat and are at war with Britian and any colonists who remain loyal to the British empire. -
Northwest Company Established
Opening as a rival Fur trade compamy to Hudson Bay company, the two companies competed for years until they were forced to merge and become one in 1821. -
Mass Migration of Loyalists to Canada
Those who did not agree with the 13 colonies fight to be independnat from England were called Loyalists. around 80,000-100,000 Loyalists leave the American Colonies and move to Canada. -
Cananda Act- creation of Upper and Lower Canada
After the migration of the English Loayalist, Quebec is split into two different areas- Upper Canada, which remains British, keeping language, religion and customs and Lower Canada, which remains French, keeping the French langauge, customs and religion that was granted in the Quebec act. Both Upper and Lower Canada are British colonies and ruled by Britian. -
War of 18 12 begins
The newly formed United States declared war on Britian as a result of the United States trading ships being affected by the British attacking the French In Europe. One of the main goals was to get the British out of North America and to take over the remaining British colonies (Canada). -
Tecumseh helps win Battle of Detroit
Tecumseh uses bluff an desception techniques to trick the American General into surrendering. This Battle was important because it kept the American troops away from the Candian border. -
Battle of Queenston Heights
One of the most famous battles of the war of 1812. Faught near Niagara on the lake, American troops crossed the Niagara River and attempted to attack Upper Canada. General Brock charged ahead and though he died in this battle, his attack slowed the Americans down and gave the rest of the Britsih troops time to stop the attack. -
Laura Secord Warns British Troops of American Ambush
Laura Secord overheard America soilders talking about a secret plan to ambush the British Army defending an important Upper Canad Fort. She walked through the snow for a full day to warn the British troops. Because of this. the British were ready for the American Attack and won the battle. -
Burning of Washington
The American troops had burned several villages in Upper Canada, so to get even, British forces burned the whitehouse. -
Treaty of Ghent
This treaty, signed between the Americans and the British, ended the way of 1812. The treaty re-established the border between the United States and the British Colony of Canada to the North. -
Louis Joseph Pappineau writes 92 resolutions
Tired of British rule and not having a responsible government in Lower Canada (could not vote, only the wealthy, british land owners had any power) Pappineau starts a rebel group and sends his 92 demands to England. Pappineau was responsible for starting the rebellions in Lower Canada. -
First Railroad opens in Canada
Changes in Technology cam to canada in form of the steam engine and the railroad and changed how people could travel. -
William Lyon Mackenzie declares his anger towards the gov't of Upper Canada
William Lyon Mackenzie, inspired by the writings of Pappineau, starts his own rebel group that speaks out against the lack of a responsible gov't. Both Mackenzie and Paapineau admire the Americans for gaining their independnace. -
Rebellion in Lower Canada
Tensions finally break as Pappineau leads his followers in a rebellion against british troops in a fight for representation and a the right to vote. -
Rebellion in Upper Canada
Tensions finally break as Mackenzie leads his followers in a rebellion against british troops in a fight for representation and a the right to vote. -
Durham Report
England sent Lord Drham over to Upper and Lower Canada to find out why they ahd rebeled. His report back to the king noted that both colonies were rebeliing because they wanted fair representation and that Upper and Lower Canada should join and have one gov't. -
Union Act
Upper and Lower Canada were renamed Canada West and Canada East and Kingston would be the capitol. They would be able to vote and elect representitives. It was a big step towards responsible gov't. -
Rebellion Losses Bill
The government passed the rebellion looses bill to pay damages to people who had lost property during the rebellions. Oponets of the bill felt that most of the people that had suffered damages had been rebels and did not deserve to for their damages to be paid. -
Montreal Riots
Those who did not agree with the Rebellion losses act, rioted and burned entire streets and homes in Montreal. -
Bytown renamed Ottawa
Bytown is renamed Ottawa. it would become the capitol in 1867.