Russia: The Rise and Fall of Communism

  • Jan 1, 1546

    The First Czar if Russia - Ivan IV

    The First Czar if Russia - Ivan IV
    Ivan IV (also known as Ivan the Terrible) was the first Czar or Russia. He was born in 1530, and his rule ended with his life in 1584. He began the trend of czar-ism, which was eventually overthrown for communism. Source:
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution was a revolt within the people that ended the rule of Czars. The Russian Communist Party, led by V.I. Lenin took controll of the government and economy. Souce: Text book, pg.363
  • The Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union
    The Communist Party had, by 1922, organized all fo the countries that were taken by Russia. They untied Russia and the smaller countries under one name, the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, or Soviet Union for short. This further spread the influcence of communism. Souce: Text book, pg.363
  • Josef Stalin

    Josef Stalin
    Stalin set up a five year plan than began majorly industrializing the economy. He set his sightrs on artists and therefore forced them to make their work hail communism. Source: PBS
  • World War II

    World War II
    When World War II broke out, Stalin led the S.U in the fight against Germany. Despite their common enemy, the S.U. has worsening relations with its allies (which includes the United States.) This contributes to the rise of communism by further distancing itself from decomocratic countries. Source: Textbook, pg. 363
  • Cold War Begins

    Cold War Begins
    The Cold War was a conflict between the S.U. and the United States in which both superpowers struggled to show they they were more developed. As it would continue, economic and social power would be returned little by little to the people, thus starting the fall of communism. Source: Text Book, pg.363
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was a satelite that the Soviet Union sent into space (before the U.S.A could, which was how they intended it to be.) After a big focus was on education, which put the spotlight on the people and less on the communist government that they were under. Source: Clip notes
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Soviet Union promised Cuba's Castro military support, seeing this as a way to get the upperhand in a tight situation they were in. Once this 'support' was all set up, the U.S. and the S.U. teetered on the brink of a nuclear war. After intense thought both superpowers removed their weapons. Strangely, this led to the better of U.S - S.U relations, which led to the fall of communism. Source: