Conflict on the Great Plains

By hoonr
  • Homestead Act

    In Colorado and Wyoming in the year of 1862, the Homestead Act was passed. This Act gave settlers how paid a filing fee 160 acres of land. It also gave single women & widows the same right to claim land, married women did not have this right. This is epic because this cut out the people who didn't pay the fee and married women completely. From rights and far settling.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    In Montana Crazy Horse (a sioux millitary leader) lured troops in to a deadly trap. Hundreds of worriers waited to ambush. they wipped out the entire detachment. The Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho were all involved in this bloody incident.
  • Discovery of 1874

    In the Black Hills of South Dakota, the government promised that "no white person or persons could settle upon or occupy" or even "to pass through" the hills. A rumors said that there were gold it the hills so Custer led an army out to prove that these rumors were true.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    In Montana, Sitting Bull got Sioux and Cheyenne worriers there was a battle agenst Sitting Butt's troop of thousands of worriers and Custed's troop of 250 worriers.the nation was shocked at Custed's victory.
  • Ghost Dance

  • Battle of Wounded Knee